Friday, August 23, 2024

TIAHBlog at 16 Presents 16 Covers -- Number Ten: A Unconventional Convention!

With the close of the two American political parties' national conventions - and the presidential election just over two months away - comes this perfectly timed comic, released to help celebrate the excitement, or turn us even more cynical,  depending on which side you choose to support!  

Now, I'm not going to tell you which side I favor... Sorry, we don't do that here, but those of you who know me should easily figure it out.  And, given the wide gulf between the two candidates and their respective running mates when it comes to simple human decency, I fail to understand how ANYONE can remain "undecided" at this point - but MY choice is CLEAR as a bell in broad daylight, when seen through a newly prescribed pair of glasses or contacts from a top flight ophthalmologist!  

I daresay, I would vote for ANYONE pictured on this cover, before voting for a certain ONE of those two choices!

...And that goes for THIS cover too!

RICK AND MORTY is a relatively new "interest" of mine... okay, it's more of a full blown mania, introduced to me by Thad (yes, that THAD) and Sam in summer, 2023!  Having sampled selected episodes of the TV series, expertly curated to my tastes by Thad and Sam, I was hooked enough to buy the series (up to that point and beyond) on DVD and accumulate a full run of the various comic book series!  

RICK AND MORTY is the story of the ultimate misanthropic mad scientist his cautious and worrisome adolescent grandson, and their misadventures throughout time, space, and especially other dimensions...

...And, even more difficult for the pair... negotiating ordinary family life! 

...Of course, where RICK AND MORTY are concerned, is anything ever really "ORDINARY"? 
Which (finally) brings us to RICK AND MORTY FINALS WEEK: CONTESTED CONVENTION #1 (Oni Press, Cover Date: August, 2024)!  

The fourth of five bi-monthly specials under the umbrella title "RICK AND MORTY FINALS WEEK"!

In my view, not only is CONTESTED CONVENTION the best (thus far) of the FINALS WEEK series... It may just as well be The Best Comic of the Year!  

I won't go into detail because I'd be writing well into the next day (... and I've still got SIX MORE of these darned things to do over the next six days) but suffice it to say this is one of  THE MOST CLEVER COMICS I HAVE EVER READ!  

Writers James Asmus and Jim Festante (Yay, writers!) come at EVERYTHING in the politics of recent years, skewering both sides - I must add, with a skill and precision not often seen in American comic books!  Especially, if you follow American politics closely, you will be in awe of what they do!  

As a fan (and a creator) of good dialogue and "peppered pop references" in comics, this one wins the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Platinum!    


A knowledge of the show and it's characters is helpful, but not essential to the enjoyment of this uniquely satirical story!  Be warned, though, it is (as the back cover says) "SUGGESTED FOR MATURE READERS", and there will be language (though most of the bad stuff is obscured by some well placed "***"'s) and double entendres ...Triple, and Quadruple, even! 

But, again, if you're into the last few decades of American politics, you cannot help but find sharp and clever (and sometimes surprising) humor in nearly every panel!  

So, whatever you're doing on November 5th, MAKE SURE YOU STOP AND VOTE... and before you do - or after, or even at the same time - enjoy a copy of RICK AND MORTY FINALS WEEK: CONTESTED CONVENTION #1....

...It's the American thing to do! 


Sérgio Gonçalves said...

Great review, Joe! Respectfully, based on your description of the program and on its art style, "Rick & Morty" isn't my cup of tea, but your review of "Contested Convention" is strong enough to make me *consider* buying it. Not sure I will end up doing so, but the fact that you've moved me to even consider purchasing something so far removed from my tastes is a testament to your ability to succinctly highlight the best of what an issue has to offer.

I've seen that Magilla vs. Yogi cover on "the Internets," as a certain former president would say, numerous times, but there's something I never noticed about it, until now: the miniature model sheet at the bottom right corner!

These mini-model sheets were, of course, ubiquitous in the closing credits of H-B shows in the 60s and 70s, but I never noticed them on a comic book cover before.

I wonder how long this feature was included on the covers of Gold Key H-B titles.

Joe Torcivia said...


Just for you to have something to go by, MY impression of RICK AND MORTY was “just another of those crude modern animated things that don’t interest me”, so I not only understand your reaction… I *HAD* your reaction!

During a visit in summer 2023, Thad and Sam wisely presented two specific episodes curated for my sense of humor and, as I said in the post, I was hooked. I even said *before* watching the episodes “You know I don’t really care for these modern things, don’t you?” but, since Thad is unquestionably a classic animation fan (as are you and I), I gave him the benefit of the doubt… and found myself unexpectedly laughing at something that I sort of disdained just an hour before!

Know, of course, that RICK AND MORTY is “adult” in both nature and content, and take that into consideration when watching, or reading the comics.

For anyone curious enough to attempt to duplicate that experiment, the two episodes were Season 1, Episode 8 ”Rixty Minutes” and Season 2, Episode 4 ”Total Rickall”. Look them up, if you dare! You may emerge a completely changed person! …And, hopefully still in time to get a copy of “Contested Convention”! As a follower of politics, you will at least enjoy the non-stop flow of jokes of jokes and satire!

As for the “H-B Mini-Model Sheets”, they usually didn’t appear on the covers but they were often seen as part of the indicia (bottom of interior page one) of many – but certainly not all – sixties H-B comics! If you have any of that vintage in your collection, check them out.

I don’t know why they were used, and why only for H-B comics (probably some “copyright or contractual thing”). If you have any further questions about them comment back and I’ll look up the specifics.

It was one of those things I always “liked seeing”, even if I had no inkling of its purpose.