Those who spend any appreciable time around here (…and I
thank you for doing so), will recall that fateful day in 2012 when New Comic
Books and I parted company.
can read about it HERE – and, in particular, enjoy JoeCab’s initial comment,
that was responsible for one of my best laugh-out-loud moments in the nearly
six years of this Blog’s existence.
Steadfastly new-comic-less I remained, making an exception
only for the now-departed IDW POPEYE series.
But, sometimes things happen to derail even the most
resolute of… um, “resolutions”… Like commenter “Rusty” – in THIS POST – bringing
to my attention the KING TUT appearance in Issue # 8 of DC Comics’ new BATMAN
’66 series!
Tut-tut... It's Tut! |
I actually picked-up the first three issues of BATMAN ’66 –
a comic book series that reflects the look and sensibilities of the 1966 Adam
West and Burt Ward television series – as a bagged set, at NEW YORK COMIC CON 2013, and figured on reading them eventually.
The First Issue of BATMAN '66 |
But, when Rusty’s comment linked to the Tut-Centric cover of
# 8, I KNEW I had to have that one (and begin reading the ones I had), because Victor Buono, as King Tut,
was my favorite villain created for the TV series – and Victor Buono has always
been one of my favorite “villain-actors” in general.
Live Action... |
Animated... |
...And, at long last - COMICS! |
The issue does NOT let us down in its depiction of both
iconic TV series imagery – and its depiction of Buono’s Tut! (Click on images to enlarge)
And there’s a second story featuring Cliff Robertson’s
western-themed villain “Shame”! Just
look how great this stuff is! Makes you feel like a fanboy again!
Here’s a Bouns Image, from Issue # 2, of The Penguin and Mister Freeze – Otto
Preminger variety! (…Though I always
preferred George Sanders!)
And, even William Dozier's "Omniscient Yet Unseen Narrator" gets into the act! "OmYUN"? How's that for a catchy name?
So, on the cold and rainy Saturday afternoon of March 29,
2014, I journeyed to Manhattan to find BATMAN ’66 # 8 – and any of the other
ones I missed. Recalling that Jim Hanley’s Universe indulges
in the very welcome practice of leaving several months’ worth of back issues on
the racks at cover price, I headed there first, to round-up the outstanding
issues of BATMAN ’66 from # 4 - on.
Can we now call him "The Comic-Bookworm"? |
While I was there, thought
to pick up the first issue of IDW’s ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE series, as it was
written by Mark Evanier.
I like THIS COVER better than the "standard" one. |
Needless to
say, Evanier does not let us down, with the clever and delightful sort of PUNS that were
the TV series hallmark – and a wonderful gag concerning the two ubiquitous, event-observing
bystanders “Edgar and Chauncey”.
So, with a stack of copies of BATMAN ’66, and the lone issue
of ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE, I was ready to approach the checkout counter… AND THEN
Admit it… Your heart stopped too!
"AGAIN? I never STOPPED!" |
"We've TEAMED-UP before!" |
...And so have they! |
As a courtesy to a fellow Blogger, I present this "Bat-Mite-a-riffic" (Yes, I actually SAID that!) sequence from that very issue: SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP # 3.
Funny, Bat-Mite never leaves comments on MY Blog! |
And check out this priceless sequence from Issue # 1 where the
characters reference both THE NEW SCOOBY-DOO MOVIES and BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND
There are three issues of SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP released to
date, each one offering a Batman-related team-up (# 1 Batman and Robin, # 2 Ace the
Bat-Hound, and # 3 Bat-Mite), but the friendly and helpful salesperson at Jim
Hanley’s Universe believed that future team-ups would include characters from
all over Hanna-Barbera, Warner Bros., and DC Comics!
If so, I can’t wait for THIS team-up! THAT'LL make me a fanboy for sure!
"Hi, I'm Freakazoid! Wanna team-up?" |
And, I’ll probably continue with these titles, for as long
as they last… darn it all! :-)
"When do I get MY OWN TITLE? Bat-Mite Team-Up! Awesome Sauce!" |
"Ya know... Maybe teaming-up wasn't such a HOT IDEA. after all!" |
Good night, Folks!
Yes, that last gag was from 1939's "Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur", directed by Chuck Jones! Extra points, if you got that!