Batman the Brave
and the Bold: Season Two Part One
(Released August 16, 2011 by Warner Home
Another Looong DVD
Review by Joe Torcivia
Ya know what, folks,
we’ve done this dance SO MANY times before, I’ll just LINK TO AN OLDER REVIEW
to provide you with all the background stuff.
It’s all the
same. What was bad remains bad, and what
was good remains good. Only the episodes
change – and the episodes are wonderful, as always! Three
of them are downright spectacular!
Let’s go!
Featured Characters
(In Order of Appearance):
Batman, Blockbuster,
Captain Marvel, Mongul II, Huntress, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Plastic Man,
Woozy Winks, The Joker, Catwoman, Jim Craddock/ Gentleman Ghost, Black Manta, Steppenwolf,
The Shaggy Man, Ramona (Mrs. Plastic Man), Baby Plas, Kite-Man, Challengers of
the Unknown, Starro, Evil Star, G’nort, Kilowog, The Guardians of the Universe,
Enemy Ace, The Fisherman, Aquaman, Mera, Arthur Jr., The Penguin, Green Arrow
(Silver Age, no beard), Clock King, Blue Beetle III (Jaime Reyes), Planet
Master, The Top, Red Tornado, Dr. Polaris, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, The Atom,
Sportsmaster, Detective Chimp, Falseface, Per Degaton, The Justice Society of
America (Golden Age Flash Jay Garrick, Golden Age Hawkman, Golden Age Black
Canary, Wildcat, Doctor Mid-Night, Hourman), Black Canary, Robin, Aqualad,
Speedy, Ra’s Al Ghul, Talia, Ubu, Nightwing, Chemo, The Metal Men, Doc Magnus, The
Riddler, Booster Gold and Skeets, Dr. Double X., Firestorm, The Faceless
Hunter, Captain Marvel/Billy Batson, Dr. Sivana, Black Adam, the Wizard Shazam,
Abra-Kadabra, Zatanna, The Phantom
Stranger, The Spectre, Lew Moxon, Joe Chill, Thomas and Martha Wayne, Achilles
Milo, Gorilla Grodd, The Gorilla Boss of Gotham City, Monsieur Mallah, B’wana
Beast, and Vixen! (WHEW!)

Cameos: Archer, Felix Faust, Cluemaster, Fun-Haus,
Bookworm, Mad-Hatter, The Cavalier, King Tut, Falseface, (…and, it would seem,
Medulla and Oblongata from Freakazoid!), Weather Wizard, Calculator (voiced by
Ethan Phillips “Nelix” from Star Trek Voyager), Zebra-Man, Mad Hatter, Shame,
Mr. Freeze, Egghead, Killer Moth, The Brain, Copperhead, Catman, Calendar-Man,
The Eraser, Crazy Quilt, Simon the Pieman (from the 1968 Flimation series - below), Mary
Bromfield (the future Mary Marvel), Poison Ivy… Blink and you’ll miss a lot of
“Simon says: Try Pie!” |
…Is this “DC
Fanboy-Heaven”, or what?
The Episodes: (Rated by Number of Stars “*”)
“Death Race to
Oblivion!”: ***
Teaser: Batman and Captain Marvel vs. Blockbuster.
Main Story: From his “War-Moon”
satellite, Mongul II terraforms a portion of the American desert into a vast
and treacherous race course. He then
transports a number of heroes and villains (and their specialty vehicles – they
ALL have one, you know!) to the site, and forces them to race – with the fate
of the Earth in the hands of the winner!
Well, ya just don’t offer VILLAINS a deal like THAT, so Batman and his
fellow heroes give it their all to win! Participants
include: Batman, Green Arrow, Huntress, Guy Gardner, Plastic Man, Woozy Winks,
The Joker, Catwoman, Gentleman Ghost, Black Manta, and Steppenwolf.

The action is very
fast paced and exciting, in a NASCAR meets video games sort of way! Indeed, as the various racers try to best the
others, through means fair or foul, I’m reminded of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon
WACKY RACES. In that vein, at one point
The Joker even provides his own NARRATION of the proceedings, as if he were
voice actor Dave Willock describing the antics of Penelope Pitstop and Dick
Among the other
highlights: The Batman /
Green Arrow rivalry, set up in previous episodes, figures nicely into the
plot. We have a great confrontation
between Guy Gardner and The Joker! I
can’t recall that ever happening in the comics!
And Guy recalls one of his own most memorable moments as a member of the
‘80s Justice League, when he describes Batman taking down Mongul as follows:
“One punch! What a
“Long Arm of the
Law!”: ***
Teaser: Batman
and Plastic Man attempt to sneak some captive scouts out of the clutches of
many clones of The Shaggy Man. Mum’s the
word, until Plas (who has strained mightily to maintain audio silence, even
when bitten by a possibly rabid raccoon) inadvertently utters a sound, and all
heck breaks loose!
Main Story: A rare instance of the “Teaser-guest” being
the “Main Story-guest”, as Plastic Man is featured again. Plas deputizes Woozy Winks and takes him on a
tour of his secret crime-fighting lair, which is nothing more than his redressed
garage. Paralleling Batman’s arsenal of
“Bat-objects” we find “The Plastic-Rang” (a box of toy boomerangs), “The
Plastic Shield” (a plastic garbage can lid), and of course… Plastic Bags!
later takes Plas’s dog for a walk: “Ugh!
I wish we had that Plastic Bag now!”
As Plas and Woozy
goof around, Kite Man kidnaps and imperils Ramona (Mrs. Plastic Man) and Baby
Plas as revenge for Eel O’Brien’s testimony against him.
“Revenge of the
Reach!”: *** Written by DC comic book writer J.M. DeMatteis.
Teaser: Batman and The Challengers of the Unknown investigate a meteor crashing
onto an unknown island. As was typical for the Silver Age of comics, radiation
from the space rock results in a giant spider and a pterodactyl (…I GET the spider, but what did the ‘dactyl
mutate from?), which the heroes use to rout one another.
Batman exits and the meteor opens up, loosing
a horde of Starro clones (starfish-like,
mind-sucking aliens) that possess the Challengers! The ominous words “To Be Continued”
flash upon the screen, as we fade-out to an act-break music crescendo very
reminiscent to that of the underscore for the TV series LOST. (…It
seems something big is coming!)

Main Story: Blue
Beetle is revealed to be a sleeper agent of a cosmic entity known as The
Reach! At least, the SCARAB that
provides and controls Beetle’s armor and powers is responsible for the
subversive treachery. The Reach
activates the sleepers and gathers them for an assault against the Green
Lantern Corps and the Guardians of the Universe. Batman and the GLC rally Jaime Reyes to fight
against… um, “the reach” of The Reach. Guy Gardner, in top comic-book form, is featured in this one.
“Aquaman’s Outrageous Adventure!”: **** (and a few more “Special Vacation Stars”!)
Teaser: In
the midst of WW I, Batman (describing himself as “Someone who’s not supposed to be here!”) and Enemy Ace team
up to destroy an alien’s hyper-atomic cannon (…if I may borrow that phrase from LOST IN SPACE) and rout the alien
from the battlefields of Europe. Gotta
love Batman in a flying ace scarf!
Main Story: Aquaman
is on a surface world-exploring vacation with his family – wife Mera
and son Arthur, Jr. Problem is, he’s a HERO and just can’t suppress the
urge to fight crime! Bored with
vacationing, he calls Batman, asking to assist, and is turned down. As he traverses the country in a rented RV,
he aids Green Arrow against Clock King, and Blue Beetle against Planet
Master. All while trying to keep the
activities concealed from his disapproving family, to whom he has promised a
real vacation.

In fact, everywhere
he goes he stumbles on some sort of “hero
vs. villain action”, and is forced to ignore it for the sake of domestic harmony.
In a rare occurrence, Batman finally needs a hand to escape The Penguin’s
death trap. The family relents and joins
the fight.
Aquaman’s family and Bats
emerge victorious. And Mera and A.J. admit that the heroing was the best part
of an otherwise mundane vacation. This is the
first episode in which Batman was NOT the main character! And there could not have been a better choice
to carry the load than B&B’s bombastically heroic version of Aquaman!
GREAT BIT: As Aquaman drives on in his RV, bored as all
heck, he perks up at the sight of the villain “Sportsmaster” in a passing car…
Until he gets a closer look to see the villain equally as bored – with his
nagging wife and pouting daughter in the back of the car, chock full of travel
folders and other such paraphernalia.
“(Sigh!) Looks like HE’S on vacation too!”
GREAT LINES (…Oh, there’s just one after
another!): When Aquaman first calls Batman and hears the
sound of PUNCHES being thrown on the other end: “Wait! You’re FIGHTING
HENCHMEN, aren’t you!”
Aquaman describes
his vacation, as only he can: “I’m
exploring that mysterious 30 % of the Earth’s surface not covered by water!”
Aquaman sheepishly
tries to cover up his actions, after Mera sees one of his supposedly
surreptitious sessions of super-heroing on a TV newscast in their motel: “That’s
not ME, my dear… That’s, er… OCEAN
GUY! …Similar color schemes!”
Aquaman’s reaction
to the unspeakably boring tourist attraction “The World’s Largest House of Sod”
– still trying to make the best of it for the sake of his family: “Just THINK of the HEROICS that went into
packing THAT MUCH SOD!”
Finally, Mera at
last encourages Aquaman to join the battle to save Batman: “Show him WHY you’re KING OF THE SEVEN SEAS!”
This unique take on
the Aquaman family and the role of compulsive super-heroics in the DCU makes
this one of the very best of the series – and one I can watch over and
over! Indeed, following my once-stated “favorites first” rule, this was the first episode I watched upon
cracking-open the set!
“The Golden Age
of Justice!”: ***
Teaser: In
homage to the setup of a classic who-dunnit, Batman faces a series of suspects
in a valuable artifact theft, locked inside an ornate Victorian drawing room,
with his partner… Detective Chimp!
They play (please forgive me) “Good-Cop / Bat-Cop”, with the Chimp’s
unrestrained methods of intimidation leading ALL the suspects to confess to
many aspects of generally bad behavior – but not the theft itself. BATMAN:
“As you can see, my partner isn’t
as PATIENT as I am! I’m not sure how long I can restrain him!” Finally, the thief is revealed to be… Falseface!
Note: The Golden Age look of Batman! |
Main Story: In
old time newsreel footage, the Justice Society of America (Golden Age
Flash Jay Garrick, Golden Age Hawkman, Golden Age Black Canary, Wildcat, Doctor
Mid-Night, Hourman) defeat would-be conqueror Per Degaton. In modern times, Degaton is resurrected in
his prime condition and the older JSA, along with Batman and the current
Black Canary must defeat him.
Nice bit showing the death of the Golden Age Black Canary and Wildcat’s
pledge to protect her daughter the current Black Canary.
It’s great to FINALLY
see the JSA in animated form!
Assemble!”: ****
Teaser: Robin,
Aqualad, and Speedy, as youngsters, grumble to the JLA about
not being let in on the action. Batman
puts them through a “Danger Room” simulation.
Main Story: Now
older teens, the trio are fed up and demand a mission of their own. Batman
obliges, giving them a choice of two… a seemingly routine reconnaissance and
one more fraught with danger. Batman and
Robin each try to figure out the mind game the other is playing in both the
elder’s choice and younger’s selection of the mission. The mission the teens end up on runs them
smack into Ra’s Al Ghul, his daughter Talia, and his silent,
muscular servant Ubu.
after neutralizing Ubu: “Sit, Ubu, Sit!”
Oh, and at the end,
Robin becomes Nightwing! Yay!
“Clash of the
Metal Men!”: **
Teaser: Aquaman
returns home to Atlantis, after defeating some high-seas pirates with Batman,
only to find that Mera, A.J. and all the subjects of his undersea kingdom
have been possessed by the Starro clones introduced in “Revenge of
the Reach!” Aquaman, meets Starro’s herald “The Faceless Hunter” and
quickly falls to this Legion of Starro Zombies, as we fade out to the words “To
Be Continued”. …Can’t wait to see
where THIS goes!

Main Story: Batman
and the Metal Men team up to defeat Chemo. Doc Magnus reveals that certain
associates of his, partnered in an effort to make the world into a ‘50s-‘60s
version of a futuristic paradise, were lost in a lab accident. Not quite so, as the incident transformed
them into “gaseous specters”, out for revenge on the Good Doc. Too many “battle scenes based on elemental
trickery” to suit me. Your mileage may
vary. There ARE two highlights worth
waiting for, though. The “film” (shown
on an old-time movie projector) of early Doc Magnus heralding his coming
utopia, reminding one of the various “Dharma Initiative” films and TV recordings
seen on LOST, but laced with postwar futuristic imagery – and Batman’s FINAL
LINE of the episode! Hint: It’s not WHAT
he says, but HOW he says it!
“A Bat Divided!”: ****
Teaser: Batman
is captured by The Riddler, and subject to a series of increasingly
powerful electric shocks, every time Booster Gold fails to properly
answer one of the Conundrum King’s riddles!
Main Story: A new
version of the origin of Firestorm (Though, oddly, Jason Rusch combines with
“his coach” Ronnie Raymond – who looks and acts more like jerky-jock “Steve
Lombard”. The same accident that creates
Firestorm also SPLITS BATMAN IN THREE (!), dividing him into cool and
calculating “Intellectual Batman”,
angry and intense “Physical Batman”
and would you believe “Slacker Batman”,
who sits around munching on nachos!
Bader is magnificent at hitting the differences in vocal
characterization, in voicing all three disparate variations of Batman.
BEST LINES: Slacker Batman (Logically explaining his
unlikely existence): “I’m what’s left
without all that heavy personal baggage and science-nerd stuff! Groovy!”
Physical Batman
(Angrily): “He CANNOT be a part of me!
Batman does NOT eat nachos!”
On a personal note,
I have never liked the character of Firestorm.
To me, he was / is a bad ‘70s idea that did not improve with age or
alternate incarnations. The fact that I
like this episode SOOO MUCH (“Dude!” as “Slacker Batman” might say!) is a
testament to all involved!
“The Super Batman
of Planet X!”: **** (Overflowing with Silver Age goodness, and
deserves EXTRA stars for that!)
Teaser: Batman
(in his guise of “Matches Malone”), with Doc Magnus and The Metal
Men go on an interplanetary undercover sting to trap Kanjar-Ro and
his hench-aliens.
Main Story: On another
interplanetary mission, Batman’s craft is sucked into a wormhole, and he emerges
on the world of “Zurr-En-Arrh”, an Earth-like (yet futuristic looking) planet
which has its OWN indigenous Batman, who watches over the city of
The city is
menaced by “Rothul” (reverse-spelled tribute character to “guess-who”)
attacking with the expected “giant robots”, and the events are reported on by red-headed
“Vilsi Vaylar” (combo of Lois Lane
and Vicki Vale).
Suddenly developing
super powers, due to an unusual element in the atmosphere, Earth’s Batman
defeats Rothul, gains the admiration of Vilsi, and sparks jealousy in
“Zurr-En-Arrh’s Batman” – who, in his secret identity, is the “Clark Kent” to
Vilsi’s “Lois”. There are also
parallel-characters to Commissioner Gordon and Alfred – the latter being a
servant-robot named “Alpha-Red”!
Things go swimmingly
for “Super Batman” for a time… until Rothul figures out his weakness, a deadly,
energy-sapping, shiny rock-like element he calls “quartz”!
If you the Silver
Age Geek that *I* am, this is one SPECTACULAR episode. Chock full of everything that made DC Comics
great, during their most imaginative period.
You could easily find this kind of stuff in Silver Age issues of THE
BRAVE AND THE BOLD or WORLD’S FINEST. ...Or, maybe the issue below!
AND, for extra added
fun, the VOICES of “Zurr-En-Arrh Batman”, Vilsi, and Rothul are by DC Animated
series veterans Kevin Conroy, Dana Delany, and Clancy Brown, respectively. Brown, in particular, really chews the
scenery, as only he can.
So, it is,
simultaneously, one of the greatest Silver Age tributes you’ll ever see (From an actual comic, no less!) – and
an equally great nod to the glories of DC / Warner Animation of the ‘90s! Aw, let’s just call it one of the series’
best, and leave it at that!
Earth / Super Batman (To “Zurr-En-Arrh Batman”): “I wouldn’t like it either if an alien with superpowers came to earth to
do MY job!”
“The Power of
Shazam!”: ***
Teaser: In
the series’ most ominous teaser, we learn that Starro’s advance enforcer, The
Faceless Hunter” has over the time-span of the last several episodes subdued
and taken control of most of Earth’s heroes!
Batman does NOT appear in this teaser – for the first and only time in
the series to date. This notably
advances the Starro subplot that was begun back in “Revenge of the Reach!”

Main Story: Evil
Dr. Sivana conjures up Black Adam to overpower Captain Marvel and neutralize
the Wizard Shazam. Nice team-up of the
“Big Bad Bat” and the “Big Red Cheese”.
And, we meet Mary Bromfield (the future Mary Marvel) at episode’s
end. I’m not the biggest fan of the Captain
Marvel group of characters but, in my view, I don’t think they could be done
better than they are done here! Captain
Marvel/Billy Batson, Black/Teth Adam, Sivana, Shazam – all exactly as I’d
imagine them at their best. Batman
almost seems like an add-on. For this
story, perhaps he was. This episode will have you wondering why Captain Marvel
never had a series of his own.
“Chill of the
Night!”: (…Zatanna, The Phantom
Stranger, and The Spectre COMBINED couldn’t conjure up enough stars for this
Teaser: Batman
and Zatanna, vs. Abra-Kadabra in the inevitable and enjoyable
“duel of magic”. Those familiar with the character are aware that Zatanna
executes her spells by SPEAKING THEM BACKWARDS.
Now, this works quite well in the COMICS, where you can stare at the
balloons and READ them backwards (…or hold the book up to a MIRROR, or
something), but HEARING SENTENCES SPOKEN BACKWARDS just doesn’t work for me. I
never had a sense of what Zatanna was conjuring, until actually seeing the
Main Story: Simply
the best episode of the entire series!
Will those wacky
supernatural beings ever cease toying with us mere mortals for their
amusement! The Phantom Stranger
and The Spectre wager that if Batman were ever to come face to face with
“Joe Chill”, the killer of his parents, would the Dark Knight act in the
interests of “justice” or “vengeance”?
Go see this for
yourself, and behold the wonders of writer Paul Dini! And, enjoy Adam West and Julie Newmar in the
role of Bruce’s parents Thomas and Martha Wayne – and BATMAN THE
ANIMATED SERIES stars Kevin Conroy and Mark Hammil as The Phantom Stranger and
The Spectre! A treat for Bat-fans on
SOOOO many levels!
This also (…with all
due respect to “Stranger ‘n’ Spectre”) um, “haunts” me as having been done
somewhere in the comics – but, for the life of me, I cannot recall where. Eerie, huh?
“Gorillas in Our
Midst!”: ****
Teaser: At
the sight of hordes of rats carrying jewels and other booty to a hideout, I
thought we were in store for an appearance by The Ratcatcher. But instead it’s Dr. Achilles Milo conducting
genetic experiments with said rats. He is
foiled by Batman and The Spectre.
leaves the villain tied-up and waiting for the police (as he is wont to do), but having just lived through “Chill of
the Night!” (above) he should know
better than to trust The Spectre – who comes back to exact vengeance by transmuting
Milo’s human body into a human-sized and shaped “living hunk of cheese”, and
looses the hundreds of HUNGRY RATS upon him.
As the rats begin their
advance, and The Spectre leaves Milo to his food-like fate at the fade-out,
I’ll confess to an initial bout of the chills (…Not “of the Night!”). One of the best teasers of the series!

Main Story: Gorilla
Grodd teams up with “The Gorilla Boss of Gotham City” (Yes, there REALLY WAS such a character!)
and Doom Patrol Ape-foe Monsieur Mallah to assert the superiority of
gorillas over man. Batman has left Gotham in the (capable?) hands of B’wana Beast,
while he attempts to infiltrate Grodd’s compound with the assistance of
Detective Chimp.
The presence of
Detective Chimp elevates this from an initial rating of Two Stars to
Three! (Did I really just write that
last sentence?) Another star (bringing
it up to FOUR) is added because of a great TEASER that I watched several times
in succession, just to soak of all its (pardon) “awesomeness”!
Overall: Batman the Brave and the Bold: Season One Part
Two succeeds in its mission. By now,
we know exactly what to expect – grand adventure, great fun and an outstanding
cast of comic book characters – and it almost never lets us down! At its core are the lighter, but extremely
imaginative, Silver Age DC comic books – but this clever series spreads its
(Bat) wings over every point in time of the DC Comics Universe. And give it EXTRA POINTS, if you are a comic
book enthusiast with any degree of historical perspective!
With THREE of the series’ VERY BEST EPISODES (“Aquaman’s Outrageous Adventure!”, “The
Super-Batman of Planet X”, and “Chill of the Night!”) contained
herein, and a high level of story quality in general, this is ONE GREAT SET…
even with NO Bat-Mite appearances!
(Don’t worry, they’re coming!)
also, that these “three-best episodes” are great for DIFFERING REASONS: Comedy,
Silver-Age lore, and drama, respectively!
That’s great range in writing!
It is unfortunate
that the “Starro” arc begins in this set and concludes in the next one (to be
reviewed soon), but that’s the way the episodes fell.
As usual, there is something in the series for “DC Geeks” of
every stripe – from Gold and Silver Age onward!
And, if your heart and mind belong to the DC comic books of the ‘60s
thru ‘90s (as do mine), this is especially
for you!