This is the cover of THE ADVENTURES OF BOB HOPE # 103 (DC Comics, Cover Date: March, 1967).
This is the cover to MY COPY of THE ADVENTURES OF BOB HOPE # 103.
Spot anything unusual?
Besides the infamous mid-1960s DC "Go-Go-Checks", that is! Oh, and "The Adventures of..." seems to be missing from the logo!
Let's move in a little CLOSER...
YEAH! THAT'S IT! Check out those BEAMS emanating from Frankenstein's EYES!
They weren't in the ORIGINAL cover design!
Methinks, as they used to say in the older Looney Tunes, "SOMETHING NEW HAS BEEN ADDED!"
Forgivable, since the online comics retail site that sold this to me graded it as a "GOOD +".
But, the bevy of added-eye-beams didn't stop there, but continued on throughout the comic.
In the opening splash panel!
Remember when dogs just got HAIR on your pants?
It continues on throughout the story...
...With even BOB getting into the eye-beaming act!
It even extended BEYOND the Bob Hope story itself...
...And into one of those ubiquitous PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS that so often ran in DC Comics of the 1950s and '60s!
Odd that our anonymous and unofficial "pencil artist" chose to have the beams emanate from the "RUNNING or PARKING LIGHTS", and not from the HEADLIGHTS!
Yet, even with all of this bonus-business - and some additional instances I did not illustrate in the interest of "getting to the point" (if, indeed there IS one), I still regarded this comic to fall within the parameters of what I would fairly grade a "GOOD +"!
...Oh, but wait... there was also THIS! Click to Enlarge!
Yes... THIS... Why it must be "The-Single-Most-Awesome-Page-Ever-To-Appear-In-A-DC-Comics-Humor-Title"!
Unlikely couples that include Frank Sinatra and Phyllis Diller... and, believe it or not, STANLEY AND HIS MONSTER, who would take over THE FOX AND THE CROW title...
...And, five decades later, would team up with Scooby-Doo!
But, getting back to "The-Single-Most-Awesome-Page-Ever-To-Appear-In-A-DC-Comics-Humor-Title", there's also...
Ringo Starr and Sophia Loren...
...With Batman and Robin... and (believe it or not) Ernie Bushmiller's NANCY!
Let's not even consider the implications of Batman marrying Nancy! Besides, weren't he and Marsha Queen of Diamonds an item?
Only this time, Batman gets hitched lighting the way with Bat-Beams in his eyes!
Would this make Batman the LIGHT of Nancy's life? |
And, while STILL within the parameters of what I would grade "GOOD to GOOD +", this was finally the straw that broke the bat's back!
"The-Single-Most-Awesome-Page-Ever-To-Appear-In-A-DC-Comics-Humor-Title" defaced in such a horrible fashion! Anywhere else, was okay with me - and part of the "charm" of buying old comics - but, to awkwardly mix character allusions between Batman and Popeye: "That's all I can stands! I can't stands no more!"
Thankfully, there was a local comic show the following week, and I found a near perfect copy of THE ADVENTURES OF BOB HOPE # 103 - and now I have the best of both bat-worlds...
...A Bat-Beam Version...
...And a Non-Bat-Beam Version...
...Side-by-side in my long boxes, where they belong!

Before we bring this particular "Adventure in Comic-Boxing" to a close, I should point out, in uncharacteristic fairness to "Those-Who-Add-Their-Own-Penciling-To-Comic-Books", that such unauthorized supplementary penciling is not always as damaging as in this example.
Yeah, I just can't let that go... same for (all together now, once again) THIS, which might have been IMPROVED by some unauthorized supplementary penciling!
Especially if it COVERED-UP some of this bad art!
But, I'll confess some charity, if not an outright soft-spot, for the anonymous unauthorized supplementary penciler who aspired to give Pete Alvarado an assist in the MOBY DICK story in my copy of HANNA-BARBERA SUPER TV HEROES # 3 (1968)!
Notice how nicely he or she COMPLETED the forward-figure of Moby, to give the whale a sort of three-dimensional look that breaks-out of the borders of the panel!
Maybe he or she had seen this sort of thing done previously by the great Harvey Eisenberg!
Note the panel-busting of Fred and Barney's FEET and Fred's HAT - from THE FLINTSTONES # 29 (1965)!
Oh, and if anyone's wondering about all the Monsters and Teenage Superheroes taking over the BOB HOPE comic, we can discuss that in the Comments Section! ...See you there!