One friend of mine (I’ll spare him the public identification) was flat out in the throes of utter hysterics upon seeing this. A moment he and I will never forget.

Yes, both “Bonjour Lobey” and the episode as a whole were just as great as they were “back then”.
Skipping ahead, as I often do, to the “Special Features” revealed the audio of the late (and too-soon departed) composer Richard Stone’s original demo tape for “Bonjour Lobey”! Without hesitation, I selected it for play.
Accompanying the audio was the following on-screen text:
We apologize, you’d ordinarily be seeing something really cool here but we ran out of money so please close your eyes and enjoy the magic that is Richard Stone’s original demo for “Bonjour Lobey”.
It was slightly different but, in its “raw form”, no less entertaining than the aired version. And, according to Freakazoid creator Paul Rugg’s Blog comments, it was sung by Mr. Stone, himself – making it an entirely new experience!
Then, after it finished… IT PLAYED AGAIN! It did not return to a menu selection… It just played again!
It was programmed, not to return to the “Special Features Menu” upon completion… but to CONTINUE PLAYING IN AN ENDLESS LOOP!
The only way out is to click (press) on the “Features” text icon… but, if you don’t do that, it will go on… and on… and on!
Oddly, the more I heard it, the more I enjoyed it… washing dinner dishes, as it played on in the background – and ultimately singing along and parading around the room to its unearthly influence.
…Of course, it’s better if you’re home alone while doing this. No strange looks from your spouse that way!