Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Race Between Donald, Joe (not me)... and Donald?

We briefly interrupt Halloween 2020 (which is STILL not over until I say it is) for this Election Day 2020 update - courtesy of our great friend Debbie Anne Perry!  

A "dark horse of a white-feathered duck" has emerged from nowhere with a "November Surprise" claim that's really just the kind of thing you'd expect from a guy named "Donald"... 

And, before you start crying "voter fraud" or "fake news", here is what inspired both Debbie and our dauntless duck!  

Hey, is it REALLY ANY LESS ABSURD than what's happened already?!  

Halloween 2020 will return soon!  ...I promise!  


Elaine said...

Thanks to Deb for a much-needed laugh!

It is so annoying that our narcissist-in-chief has sullied the good name of Our Everyman Hero. Four plus years ago I realized that I would have to start entering "Donald Duck" into search engine boxes in reverse order, "Duck Donald," to avoid having the search engine helpfully supply "Trump" as I finished typing "Donald." I got tired of yelling "NO! NO! NO!" at the screen every time I searched for Donald Duck comics or toys....

Joe Torcivia said...


I think we should ALL thank Deb for that, and the many other wonderful and funny cartoons she’s contributed to this humble Blog!

I suppose you can always take some comfort in knowing that Donald DUCK had the name first… and given “that other guy’s” obsession with being first and such, perhaps that even gets under his (unnaturally colored) skin!

And, just to not veer too far from Halloween 2020 (which is not over until I say it is), here’s today’s Halloween Fright Mental Image, for you imagining pleasure…

“It’s the Great TRUMP-kin, Charlie Brown!” …“Orange” you glad to see him?

Debbie Anne said...

Thank you both for enjoying my sketch. It’s just one of those strange ideas that comes to my mind by putting old Barks stories together with current events. (Although we have to wonder why Donald is making his announcement on what resembles the 1955 Mickey Mouse Club stage...).
That said, I’m NOT going to draw “The Great Trumpkin”. Even I have standards (however low they are).

Joe Torcivia said...

For once, we might all be grateful if you *didn’t* draw “The Great Trumpkin”, Deb!

The horrors the mind can produce are often far scarier than any actual images seen!

Comicbookrehab said...

If things turn out the way "Golden Helmet" did, it will end with everyone attending museums to check out the new Butterfly exhibit.

Achille Talon said...

It's perhaps a comfort (a small comfort, but a comfort) that Donald is spared the indignity of the shared name in-universe. The in-universe caricature of that other Donald, as he appeared many years ago now in an Egmont story, was called — Ronald Plump! Although he was depicted as a duck, or perhaps a goose.

Of course, at the time, the story that thought it was just spoofing a celebrity billionaire rather than a future politician; I'm sure they'd never get away with it today. But all larking-about aside, I find it genuinely pleasing that there exists an official, canonical Disney story about Scrooge McDuck taking on ‘Ronald Plump’ and ruthlessly lampooning the latter as a sleazy, talentless mound of unearned ego. It's, alack, unlikely to see official publication in the U.S. any time soon… but perhaps that's as good a reason as any to make it my next scanlating project?

Joe Torcivia said...


“If things turn out the way "Golden Helmet" did, it will end with everyone attending museums to check out the new Butterfly exhibit.”

There’s only ONE GUY I want locked-up in a museum with butterflies, when this is all over!

Joe Torcivia said...


I (ahem) “VOTE” for you scanlating project!

Long before 2016, I, too, used a similar name to represent a “celebrity billionaire” in a Donald Duck story – though I called him “Ronald Schlump”! That got rejected and replaced with something far more generic. When speaking with David G., I sometimes refer to the president as “Ronald Schlump” in our own private little joke!

Of course, now that I mentioned this on the Blog, it’s not so “private” anymore!

And yeah… NO WAY that Egmont story is ever gonna be printed here! But, if it’s dialogued in “Fresh and Modern” style, I won’t be missing much anyway.

Joe Torcivia said...

I don’t know if Thad Komorowski is reading this, but I would nominate HIM to dialogue that story, if only it were possible! He’d be PERFECT for it!

Sérgio Gonçalves said...

Nice drawing, Deb. I read "The Golden Helmet" not long ago and loved it. There's some very sophisticated philosophical stuff hidden in what too many folks would be too quick to dismiss as a mere "children's story." Looking forward to reading more from Barks.

"I suppose you can always take some comfort in knowing that Donald DUCK had the name first… and given “that other guy’s” obsession with being first and such, perhaps that even gets under his (unnaturally colored) skin!"

Believe it or not, The Great Trumpkin is on record as being jealous about that. Many years ago, long before anyone dreamed he would be President someday, I thumbed through one of The Great Trumpkin's books at the book section of the grocery store. (Well, actually, the Great Trumpkin didn't really write the book. A Ghost Writer did.) Anyway, I forget the title of the book and, in fact, most everything about it, but one thing I saw in the book has stayed with me to this day. One of its pages featured this cartoon:

I dunno, but it looks like projection to me.

Joe Torcivia said...


Probably the best advice *I* will ever give you is… READ MORE BARKS! …And to never follow my advice on investments, real estate, automobiles, and dating! (Until Esther, that is!)

“There's some very sophisticated philosophical stuff hidden in what too many folks would be too quick to dismiss as a mere "children's story." Looking forward to reading more from Barks.”

That is just one of a few thousand reasons that you should (…all together now) READ MORE BARKS!

Carl Barks is clearly the greatest talent ever to work in the “funny animal” genre (…and I daresay comic books PERIOD) especially because he so totally mastered both writing and art! I consider him to be one of the “Five True Geniuses” of comic storytelling – in that they didn’t invent their particular specialties, but they influenced generations-to-come in their wake!

Those would be (and in my decidedly subjective order): Carl Barks, Julius Schwartz; Jack Kirby, Will Eisner, and Stan Lee. That’s MY order, but you can arrange them any way you like!

Ya know, no matter how rich and powerful he becomes, “The Great Trumpkin” will always be jealous and resentful of something someone else has (or is BELIEVED to have) and he doesn’t! And that’s one very important thing that makes him such a monstrously flawed “human being” (quotes intentional).

This first sunk in with me, when he ranted on-and-on about the crowd size (!) at his inauguration! Really? You just became The President of the United States… and THIS is what you’re obsessing over? …And it only got worse from that point!

So, his concern that there was a “more famous Donald” before him, really doesn’t sound out of line to me! …Maybe, if he were named “Bertram”, he could bask in the knowledge that he was (perhaps) “The Most Famous Bertram” who ever lived!

HERE is Sergio’s link, for your reading and viewing pleasure!

Finally, since no matter what happens, this particular person is not expected to retire from public life, as most former presidents do, and will (“for better”, but more likely “for worse”) remain with us… I propose that (at least at this humble blog and any related communications) he be permanently referred to as “The Great Trumpkin”! Maybe we can make it become “a thing”… like “Core Four” and “Disney Interregnum”!

…He’d approve just on the basis of the word “Great”!