Monday, July 24, 2023

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: Good Junior Woodchucks Always Recycle!

Perhaps this is more of an example of "Adventures in Comic-BUYING" rather than "Boxing", but here's an unusual bit of good recycling for a comic I just received from ebay! 

Here is the FRONT of a nicely packaged copy of ADVENTURE COMICS #402 (DC Comics, Cover Date: February, 1971)...

...And here is the BACK...

In a detail that most folks buying this comic either wouldn't notice, or would quickly shrug off if they did, the backing board is marked "HD&L #70"!  

...As in THIS! 

It would be reasonable to assume that a copy of HUEY, DEWEY AND LOUIE JUNIOR WOODCHUCKS #70 (Whitman Comics, Cover Date: September, 1981) was, at one point in time, stored within that bag and backing board!  

And here's the evidence...

Wouldn't it be just like good Junior Woodchucks to recycle these materials?

 Yes! Yes, it would!  Merit badges all around, Boys! 

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