Saturday, May 7, 2022

Happy Mother's Day 2022!

Don't take it from me, when Cici can wish it so much better - and cuter!

Not to be outdone, big sister Averi strikes an atypically angelic pose...

...Leaving me to wonder what she's been up to! 

Happy Mother's Day 2022!


Ryan said...

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers who have done so much for us. I’ve been so busy with work and school that I haven’t checked your site since December. It’s always heartwarming to check back in and see that your grandkids are doing well.

scarecrow33 said...

So glad we got to hear from Averi and Cici! Happy Mother's Day, everyone!

Joe Torcivia said...

Thank you, Scarecrow!

The only thing better than “hearing from Averi and Cici” is SEEING AND HEARING from Averi and Cici!

Esther, Averi, and Cici are the joys of my life!

Joe Torcivia said...

Thank you, Ryan!

We all get “so" [and/or] "horrifically" busy that an absence of any kind is understandable. Look no further than how my personal correspondence has gone completely to “horrific heck”!

Averi and Cici just find new and different ways to melt my heart every week! You’ll see them periodically right here! I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Debbie Anne said...

Sometimes we can find greater happiness with offline family and friends than we can with those we only know as digital correspondents. With all the nonsense going on online, it makes sense that many of us choose to stay OFFline.
Enjoy time with your family…many of us will still be here later.

Joe Torcivia said...


I’ve never considered categorizing that oft-annoying, sometimes-wonderful, collection of people united by blood or marriage as an “offline family”… but, yeah, that’s one way of looking at it.

For more of my life than not, I’ve never been much of a “family person”. Many people I know (or knew) live and die (sometimes alternately and equally) by it. For the first 47 years of my life, I found it more unpleasant than otherwise… in both the “blood” and “marriage” varieties. And, even today, I largely ignore the far-flung, outlying elements of “family” – mostly for *being* “far-flung” and “outlying”.

But, in 2003, Esther changed all that! And a bit later, through her son, came Averi and Cici! THEY are my “offline family”, and I could not have a more wonderful bunch of “relatives”.

Esther is “My Everything”! Averi is “My Little Everything”! And Cici is “My Littlest Everything”! …Should Cici be followed by another, Cici will be promoted to “My ‘Littler’ Everything”, with the new arrival assuming the role of “My Littlest Everything”! …After that, the terminology will really become confusing to negotiate – but I wouldn’t mind having to “give it a try”.

“With all the nonsense going on online, it makes sense that many of us choose to stay OFFline.”

And that’s why I have NO social media presence – but relish the interactions on this Blog, and treasure “online family” that it has gifted me with!

Thank you, one and all, for making what has become a “bad world” (and getting worse seemingly by the hour – so says cable news) into a much nicer place to be! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! and HAPPY DAY period!

Achille Talon said...

Always a joy to see the girls, cute as ever! A happy slightly-belated Mother's Day to all concerned. And I'll join in on the sentiment that this blog's community acts as little online family in its own way… (I wonder what metaphorical family relationship best describes that of a blogger to his commenters. Uncle would be the classic thing, I suppose?)

Joe Torcivia said...

Well then, Achille...

Just call me "Unca Joe"!

Of course, that might mean "Uncle" of the strange and eccentric sort...

Elaine said...

You can be Unca Joe, as long as I get to fill the already canonical role of "Great-aunt Elaine"! Thanks to John Lustig, and thanks to William Van Horn having a wife named Elaine, which I know thanks to you! I was so pleased to find that Huey, Dewey and Louie have a great-aunt Elaine, documented in print in an official Duck comic...especially because I have a great-nephew who is one of the three kids I have successfully hooked on Disney Duck comics over the years. At least one member of my offline family, accordingly, has interests in common with this particular online family!

Joe Torcivia said...


Knowing you, you’d be a "GREAT-Aunt Elaine" even without the services of Messrs. Lustig and Van Horn! Averi and Cici don’t know what they’re missing… have to remedy that, someday!

In the meantime, " Happy GREAT-Aunt’s Day"