Today is Ye Day! So, finish
reading this post, race over to your local comic shop, and pick up a copy of UNCLE
SCROOGE # 1 (Traditional Numbering # 405) from IDW!
In it, you’ll find “Gigabeagle King of the Robot Robbers”, by Romano
Scarpa, Giorgio Cavazzano, Jonathan Gray, and Rodolfo Cimino.
I waited until today to read this story, just so I can have something new and good to read to celebrate the return of UNCLE SCROOGE to the comic book retail shops of the United States!
I waited until today to read this story, just so I can have something new and good to read to celebrate the return of UNCLE SCROOGE to the comic book retail shops of the United States!
You’ll also find a 16 page back-up titled “Stinker, Tailor,
Scrooge, and Sly” – by Romano Scarpa and Luca Boschi, dialogued by yours truly, and
featuring Scrooge, Brigitta MacBridge, Jubal Pomp, and a sinister Brutopian
As I said in another post: Can Scrooge get “the goods” on that Brutopian “sew and sew”? By now, you might even know the answer!
Of course, once you’ve read the issue, please come back and join the discussion in our Comments Section!

Just remember, I do not speak for IDW, or anyone in its
employ. I speak strictly for myself as
fan and as dialogue creator – and those opinions are strictly my own.
I'll be heading right for the comics shop when I leave work this evening -- can't wait!
And congratulations to you and the rest of the team!
-- Ryan
I liked Jonathan Gray’s translation for “Gigabeagle: King Of The Robot Robbers”. There were allusions to Carl Barks’ stories.
“Tinker, Tailor, Scrooge, and Spy” was a brilliantly scripted story; It was bursting from the seams with perfect puns, and alliteration.
Sondra Del Conte is my favorite inker for Romana Scampa’s artwork. Romana Scampa wove an interesting treasure in the story. I better “button” my beak before revealing spoilers here. The parallelism of the thoughts between Scrooge sleeping and when the Brutopian spy entered was well done.
The pairing of Brigitta and Jubal Pomo was interesting, as I though they were foes. I can’t wait to see more of Brigitta McBridge in future issues.It was a "sew-prise" to see another Disney character as Brigitta's client. I found Uncle Scrooge wearing a dress to be extremely hilarious.
The Brutopian dialect was well written, although wouldn’t “und” be a part of the German speech. I want to tie up all loose threads here. I look forward to re-reading the issue tonight.
Interesting - the story in the current issue of SIMPSONS COMICS (#220) is entitled "Drinker, Failure, Bowler, Spy". I wanted to give you a heads up so you could retain the services of Sylvester J. Sharky in anticipation of the eventual lawsuit from Bongo. ("Goofus, Doofus, Poofus, which means ' Joe vs. D'oh will result in much woe'")
Wait, what?...there's a new UNCLE SCROOGE comic - and you chose to keep this news to yourself?! Why didn't you tell us before?
Banning commencing in five, four, three...
Seriously, congrats, Joe - hope it will be a long gig for you, and I'm looking forward to reading them.
Thank you, Ryan!
We’ll see you back here, once you’ve read the issue!
Speaking of which, I also got mine, read it, and added some illustrations of Gigabeagle, Brigitta, Jubal, and Slydog Ratfinkoff, for your viewing pleasure.
Thank you, Adel!
Yes, Jonathan tied this nicely to Carl Barks’ “The Giant Robot Robbers” (or maybe the DuckTales adaptation of same, or both?), as I’d hoped he would once I saw a few illustrations from the story. And you can never go wrong by throwing-in a “Great Howlin’ Crashwagons!”, if you ask me! He did a fine job, as I knew he would!
“…Perfect puns, and alliteration” are several of my middle names! I have a very long birth certificate! Seriously, that’s what I strive to do, and am happy you appreciate it. And, your comments are peppered with some nice puns too!
We sometimes overlook inkers, but check the difference between Sandro Del Conte’s inks over Romano Scarpa’s pencils in “Stinker, Tailor” and Giorgio Cavazzano’s in “Gigabeagle”. Cavazzano makes it look more like “his own” brand of stylization, while Del Conte contributes toward a more “classic” look! Of course, there are a number of years separating these stories, and (like Barks) Scarpa’s art could have also altered itself somewhat along the way.
The parallel thoughts between Scrooge and Sly (“Old World Workmanship” / “New World Workmanship”) were of my own invention. I like hanging a panel onto the previous one in such a way, or having a thought continue (or contrast), or have a direct response to a previous balloon. It makes for a nice flow.
Brigitta and Jubal could be looked at as past-enemies. After all, he kidnapped her early on but, as in real life, strange alliances are often formed. I’m sure Brigitta will be back soon. Jubal will return even sooner – in Issue # 3! Brigitta’s “other client” was also my addition, once I saw the garment in question.
…And, I will very likely re-read the issue once again before bedtime! If I dream of being exiled to Brutopia – or being stepped-on, I’ll know the reason why.
Ah, what would we do without you ‘round here, TCJ! There’d be no one to threaten with “banning”!
You’ll notice, perhaps to better protect ourselves from Bongo , that we have TWO VERSIONS of the title.
The credits page on the inside front cover calls it “Tinker, Tailor, Scrooge, and Sly”, while the story itself bears the title “Stinker, Tailor, Scrooge, and Sly”.
The latter is what I ended up rechristening it, after David and I first came up with the former while reviewing it together.
But, hey… Maybe I’ll get credit for TWO stories in I.N.D.U.C.K.S.
“Wait, what?...there's a new UNCLE SCROOGE comic - and you chose to keep this news to yourself?! Why didn't you tell us before?”
And, seriously back… Thank you! I’m having a ball doing it, and will have one story per month into August, so far – over the Scrooge, Mickey, and Donald titles! I hope it lasts a long time, too!
Do come back, once you’ve read the issue. Now, that you know there IS one out today! :-)
Joe & Company:
What a pleasure to be able to say for the first time in several years that I've just finished reading my fresh-off-the stands copy of THE LATEST ISSUE OF UNCLE SCROOGE!
What a great start to a new era of Walt Disney comic books: Scarpa's art is sharp with perfect coloring, as Joe, Jon and David's expert wordsmithing make the dialogue shine. No spoilers, but there's plenty of wink-worthy references and familiar expressions for duck fans to relish! Lots of eye candy, too—settle in for a healthy 48 pages!
Now as to our unscrupulous Brutopian tailor in Joe's story, I couldn't help but hear his dialogue as a gravelly Paul Frees type... or as a squirrely friend of mine often says: "That voice, where have I heard that voice?" Hoo boy!
Congratulations to all on a great start, I'll be re-reading again tomorrow. From the solicits, it looks like there's a LOT of great material coming up for our favorite "core four" books—and with all due respect to Convergence and Secret Wars, I believe IDW have the true "event" books of Summer 2015!
– Dan
Thanks for waking me, Dan! I had the strangest dream that I was exiled to Brutopia, only to be trod upon by a Giant Robotic Beagle Foot!
You write: “What a pleasure to be able to say for the first time in several years that I've just finished reading my fresh-off-the stands copy of THE LATEST ISSUE OF UNCLE SCROOGE!”
I share in that very same pleasure! It just wasn’t the same without the “Core Four” titles – and IDW picked the perfect one to lead off with, UNCLE SCROOGE! …Gosh, if only someone would tell Top Cat James. I’d sure hate to see him miss out on all this fun!
And good eye… or ear… or “mind’s ear”, or whatever… It was suggested by my own “Fearless Leader” that, rather than make Sly’s dialogue completely dreadful, that I just make it… er, “Badenov”.
Went and picked up a copy with David and Jonathan yesterday. Great work, sir! I look forward to more.
Thank you, Thad!
You have some great stuff coming up in these titles too, and I’m looking WAY forward to enjoying that, as well!
As with Jonathan, I’ve refrained from advance-peeking at any of it, so that I can revel in it on release day!
I tell you, if Uncle $crooge and Squirrel Girl keep coming out on the same day every month, it's gonna be the high point of my month! I'm a happy fangirl.
Are Scarpa/Boschi responsible for "Don't let him shoot the coat!" or was that you? (The art is not definitive, as Scrooge could be pointing towards either the coat or the intruder.) The "no riders" regulation was probably my favorite pun. I also loved the line about "illegally lining his pockets." There's a case of a perfectly fitting metaphor.
“Don't let him shoot the coat!” was mine! It seemed just about the only thing I could have Scrooge say in that panel that would not be out of character – and still be funny. Not to be outdone, Jubal then resorted to evoking Jack Benny! Having to “write to the art” is always a fun challenge.
I just looked up the original translation I received. The line translated to: “Don’t let him shoot me”, which seemed completely uncharacteristic for “The Terror of the Transvaal” and “The Empire-Builder from Calisota”. David even noted this in his original draft of the translation. ...And I couldn’t very well hand the readers something like that, could I?
The other quotes you cite are mine as well! Most of it is. …But, I’ll bet you can tell that by now.
Really glad you enjoyed it.
I really enjoyed the newest Uncle Scrooge. Everyone involved did a good job. Scarpa's work is always a joy to read, and it was nice to be able to see two of his stories from different points in his career. Gigabeagle was a fun action and gag oriented story that would have made a fun animated cartoon.
Stinker, Tailor, Scrooge, and Sly was a fun story as well, giving us a chance to see Brigitta MacBridge and Jubal Pomp again. It is interesting seeing how Scarpa expanded upon Barks' ideas, giving McDuck his own unique supporting cast years before DuckTales would do something similar. That Barks and Scarpa had the creative freedom to create and develop their own new supporting characters is something almost unheard of in licensed character comics nowadays. I'm glad to see that these characters are back as well. (I imagine that DuckTales would be a different license, so we'd be unlikely to see Launchpad McQuack or Fenton and Gizmoduck in an upcoming Uncle Scrooge issue...but in my opinion DuckTales should be its own comic book, rather than just folded into Uncle Scrooge.)
Romano Scarpa was an amazingly energetic talent, who richly deserves his place alongside Carl Barks, Floyd Gottfredson, and Don Rosa as one of the world’s foremost Disney comic creators. And, unlike the other folks, he successfully did it in both the Duck AND Mouse worlds!
Indeed, this issue is Romano Scarpa in microcosm! With “Gigabeagle” leading off with his more “out there” aspects, and “Stinker, Tailor” bringing it home with something more traditional.
I consider it an honor to work with his material, and hope that he would have liked the ways in which I help present it to an American audience.
And, yes… Something we take for granted, because Carl Barks’ foundations have been around for all our lives, is the incredible creative freedom granted to Barks (and later Scarpa) in his work with corporately-controlled licensed characters. Imagine being allowed to perform the type of transformation to evolve the “squawking screen duck” to the sublime Donald Duck of the comic books – and to add Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, -- and especially Uncle Scrooge, not to mention his rogues gallery of The Beagle Boys, Magica DeSpell, and Flintheart Glomgold! …The latter of which, we’ll see in UNCLE SCROOGE # 2 (# 406)
And, that Scarpa could go in a completely “different direction”, and give us Brigitta MacBridge, Jubal Pomp, and other odd characters like Atomo Bleep Bleep. Let alone often wilder plots and characterizations.
It was fun to work with Brigitta and Jubal – and, in effect, help reintroduce them to the American audience. Jubal, as I mentioned, will have a key role in UNCLE SCROOGE # 3 (# 407), in a long lead story in which Scarpa “blasts off” (indicating the “energy” involved) in many different directions, and ties it all together superbly in the end!
I too, believe that DUCKTALES should remain its own entity, separate from UNCLE SCROOGE. There’s certainly room for both, just as there are “standard” BATMAN comics and a BATMAN ’66
title for the TV fans. But, be on the lookout for occasional DT references that may sneak in from time to time. I put two small ones into my script for UNCLE SCROOGE # 3. Look for them, if you dare!
Just picked up my copy of 405. Haven't read it yet, but my excitement can't be contained. The lack of intrusive ads and print quality is a pleasant surprise.
Good to hear from you again, Abe!
And, yes…Beyond the story content, let’s hear it for the great job IDW has done in creating this comic magazine as a whole!
As you note, no advertising (in-house or otherwise) to disrupt the flow of the story content. A nicely designed Credits Page. The return of the “Crosstalk” editorial feature that originated with Gladstone, along with the 2015 Disney title publishing schedule for handy reference. An extra-length issue for the standard cover price. And, perhaps the finest interior and cover stock a standard format Disney comic book has ever seen!
An amazing effort, from an amazing publisher! And I say this as a fan and reader, not as a freelance contributor!
Come on back after you’ve read the issue. We’re open 24/7 for your commenting convenience!
I've read this blog for a long time but am just now choosing to comment to say how much I Loved U$ # 405. "Gigabeagle" was a very creative take by Scarpa on Bark's Beagle Boys vs The Money bin formula and "Stinker" showed how Scarpa's own creations can go on unique adventures with Scrooge. On a slightly unrelated note, I know your familiar with obscure non-barks duck stories from the dell/gold key/whitman era. Are there are any stories from that period that are good enough that they need to be reprinted by IDW. In particular I would like to see Having a Panic by Don Christsen and Birthday Bugaboo by Harry Gladstone reprinted.
Great to have a “first time / long time”, as they say on some radio talk shows! Thank you for joining in!
As I indicated earlier, I think UNCLE SCROOGE # 1 (# 405) was a nice look across the Scarpa Spectrum. Interesting that he seemed to become “more conventional” as time progressed, rather than the converse. I think “Gigabeagle” was from about 1966, and “Stinker, Tailor” was about 1984.
I may be second to none in my appreciation of the Western-era stories, certainly through the sixties. But, because I already have them and they are available to all as not-too-expensive back issues, I’m not eager to see them reprinted when there are so many stories that have yet to see American publication. Though, I *do* feel they should always be part of the mix, as long as they do not dominate – because fans of more recent vintage should be exposed to them.
My Donald list would include many of the generally popular ones, such as “A Bucket of Scones” (DD-48), “The Charge at Dawn” (DD-49), “The Secret of the Glacier” (DD-51, which appears to have partially inspired Don Rosa’s “Last Sled to Dawson”), “One for the Whammy” (DD-65), “The Paper Route Panic” (DD-66, which Boom! did reprint in the same hardcover as my “Moldfinger” story), “The Fabulous Fiddlesticks” (DD-68), “Secret of the Sargasso Sea” (DD-72, with thin, reformed Beagle Boys!), -- and three of my most personal favorites: “The Incredible Golden Iceberg” (DD-101), “The Battle at Hadrian’s Wall” (DD-107, now made obsolete by Don Rosa’s “Sign of the Triple Distlefink”), and “Og’s Iron Bed” (DD-109, reprinted by Gemstone).
On the non-Barks Uncle Scrooge side, there aren’t very many before the endless reprints kicked-in, but I’d vote for “The Dragon’s Amulet” (U$-74, though we may not see that one for “political correctness”), “The Battle of Marathon” (U$-75), “I.O.U. …But Who” (U$-78), and a good back-up “The Luck Tycoon” (U$-76).
Got a few favorite Mickey, Phantom Blot, and Super Goof tales from the mid-sixties era too, but I think I’ll stop here – before IDW stops commissioning “New to the USA” stories, and puts me out of dialoguing work! :-)
Harry Gladstone’s story should be reprinted, simply because it was such an incredible anomaly! And, Don R. Christensen was a wonderful fellow whom I’d gotten to know in his later years. More than Disney, I’d love to see reprints of some of his Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig stories – but I often wonder if DC Comics even knows they exist.
…Do stop by again! We'll very likely be discussing all the new issues as they appear, and I'd welcome you to be part of it.
I would like to see some of the Dell/Gold Key non-Barks/Gottfredson (like Tony Strobl, Jack Bradbury, Dick Moores, Bill Wright, etc.) stuff as well, but I wonder if maybe some sort of trade paperbacks or annuals would be a better place for them, or perhaps as place holders between newer works, so as not to take the spotlight away from the European work or worthwhile material from Disney's inhouse comics program for foreign licensees.
As of now, I don’t know what the Trade Paperbacks will contain, but that’s a great suggestion!
I’d like to see the stories I mentioned, and some of the longer Paul Murry stories too. But, I’d prefer the standard format comics be primarily “New to the USA” material, be it Italian, Danish, or Dutch. My back-up in UNCLE SCROOGE # 2, will be of Dutch origins.
Having Classic-Era Western Publishing material spread out over a series of TPBs could be the answer that pleases everyone.
Joe, thanks for your wonderfully informative response. I too would prefer New to US material over classic western material. Trade paperbacks would be a better place for them than the core 4. I was interested because as a relatively new disney comics fan (I got into them through the wonderful Fantagraphics reprint series) I was not very aware of Those obscure stories. I've read a lot of Paul Murry's Mouse in Gladstone's run of WDC&S, which a relative handed down to me and it seems to me that western's writers handled Mickey as just another bland funny animal character. I see how this could happen considering Mickey's public perception but Donald and Scrooge's characters were so rich and recent that I figured western's writers had to know they were dealing with something special and put in extra effort. Oh, I forgot to mention it but your Jack Benny reference in "sinker" made an already good story ten million times better.
And, thanks right back, Clapton!
We aim to please around here, and glad we’ve succeeded!
If I were new to this stuff, Fantagraphics’ amazing editions of Barks, Gottfresdon, and Rosa would be the perfect place to start. The stories and so much background material, too!
Now, maybe it’s because I grew up reading Paul Murry’s Mickey Mouse – and would not learn of Gottfredson until many years later – but, rather than see him as ”bland”, I see him more as the “rock” of the Disney Comics Universe. Kinda like Batman. Not the 1966 Adam West version that I write so much about lately, but the no-nonsense “true non-super hero” of that world.
Scrooge is “The Adventurer”, but Mickey is “The Hero”! Donald, like most of us, just tries to get through the day with the skin (feathers?) on his back – and maybe make a little hay when he can.
I wrote the “Paul Murry Mickey” (LITERALLY) in WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES # 718 - and the “Romano Scarpa Mickey” in MICKEY MOUSE # 309 and WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES # 720 … and I loved dong both versions! I’ll also have another Italian Mickey coming up in IDW’s MICKEY MOUSE # 2 vs. The Phantom Blot!
The funny thing is… no matter WHICH version you’re writing, you don’t “joke-up” Mickey as much as you would Donald or Scrooge. That’s just the way it is. You’ll see less joking (on average) in my upcoming Mickey script (unless it’s other characters and not Mickey) than in my Duck scripts.
Again, the parallels to Batman are valid, because to write a “funny” Batman story (if you’re not writing the 1966 Adam West version), you might make things AROUND HIM funny, but don’t make HIM funny. Now, you CAN make Mickey “funny”, but he’s never going to be the funniest thing in one of his stories. That’s reserved for those people, places, and things that surround him.
The Western Publishing stuff was great! And remember, we wouldn’t have all the rest of it internationally, if that material wasn’t so popular originally!
Considering all the “Jack Benny inspired” one page gags in those earliest Dell issues of UNCLE SCROOGE, I just had to employ the most famous Benny quote of all – even if it was Jubal Pomp, and not Scrooge, who delivered it!
And, completely apropos of nothing, but I just watched the 1971 schlock (and I say that in the MOST LOVING sense) horror film “Dracula vs. Frankenstein”, and darned if actor J. Carrol Naish (as Dr. Frankenstein) doesn’t look for all the world like a sinister, wheelchair-bound Jack Benny! Yes, really! Check it out and see!
Just got my copy! I enjoyed the entire issue, but the highlight was definitely the "Stinker Tailor" story. I much prefer the four-tiered panels on the page--they allow for greater story development in less space, and the look is more like a regular comic book story.
I love the sly wit in your writing, Joe. I especially enjoyed the segue into the flashback sequence--it reminded me of your "meta" post last summer--this was truly a "meta" moment. And the references to Minnie Mouse just put this one over the top for me! I love to think of the mice and duck clans as operating in the same universe, not just at the theme parks. The characters of Birgitta and Jubal are less familiar to me, but you really brought them to life with the dialogue.
And the "coat" scene that others have commented on--yes, the lines seem very appropriate for Scrooge at that point, much more so than the original line. Thanks for having such a keen eye (and imaginative ear) for putting the right words in a character's mouth.
The entire issue sustained my interest from cover to cover--a rarity for me these days, regardless of the medium. I liked the robot story, too--but honestly the story you worked on was the better of the two...although I did appreciate the references to "The Giant Robot Robbers" which made the story seem less like a retread.
I too would love to see reprints of some Strobl classics and others from the Gold Key era, but as long as this kind of quality is sustained, it'll be great whatever they choose to print. I'm looking forward to more of your interpretations of the Disney characters.
I picked out a copy with the cover showing Scrooge and the nephews on the rubber raft. I much prefer it to the image of Scrooge getting ready to duke it out with the giant robot--somehow that doesn't fit my image of what Scrooge is all about. Even though Rosa and others have depicted him as a bona fide fighter, I consider Scrooge more of a strategist than a pugilist.
My only other concern is (ouch!) the price. Four dollars seems like a fortune to one who remembers the days of 12 cent comics. I'm sure Uncle Scrooge could weigh in with his own comments on that matter--but his opinion would doubtless depend on whether he was buying the comics or selling them!
Thanks for a great job, Joe, and may your star and the Disney comics star continue to rise!
Thank you for those incredibly kinds words!
I’m sure we’ve had this discussion somewhere previously on this Blog, probably in THIS POST, but I believe the four-tier structure is the more classic look for these comics.
And, on the subject of previous discussions, I love “meta” and will try to employ it whenever the situation allows. I thought Sly’s slipping into flashback was a perfect place to do so. Scarpa may have decided to put Scrooge in a dress when he created the story back in the ‘80s, but looking AT the dress, just cried “Minnie” to me so, in typical fashion, I milked it to the fullest.
A funny thing about translation and dialogue is that sometimes you get handed that which seems to be out of character – or out of character as WE know the personalities in question. And it’s up to us to make that right, all while remaining squarely within the context of the existing art. To me, Scrooge fearful of being shot was out of character. Scrooge fearful of the COAT being shot – and, therefore, riddled with holes and useless – was not.
I very much liked the “Magnus… er, Scrooge McDuck Robot Fighter” cover, myself. Though, to Scrooge’s advantage, Gigabeagle is a fraction of his actual size on the cover – and, thus, a better match-up for Scrooge. Maybe this was a “Gigabeagle Prototype”, a heretofore unknown precursor to the real thing that Scrooge dealt with rather easily! …See how deftly we get outta these jams?
3.99’s a standard price these days – but, for that, I think IDW gives us a GREAT package… on quality stock and without intrusive commercial interruption!
And, finally… I hope to be doing this for a long time! I enjoy it immensely! Just as I enjoy having these lively follow-up discussions!
Bongo Comics was ready for Uncle Scrooge's return...they reissued their Uncle Scrooge parody, Uncle Burn$, in issue 16 of Simpsons Illustrated.
I’ll have to locate a copy of that, Deb!
I know the good folks at Bongo are fans of Carl Barks and his Ducks – witness THIS GREAT COVER…
…which, needless to say for this crowd, tributes THIS CLASSIC COVER.
So, Uncle Burn$ appears in a NEW story? I’ve gotta get that! …Though I hope he doesn’t meet “Gigasmithers”!
Alas, no. Mr. Burns doesn't don McDuck's top hat and coat again, nor does Homer wear Donald's sailor suit is a reprint of the original Uncle Burns comic, with a new cover spoofing Uncle Scrooge gag covers.
Simpsons Illustrated is an all-reprint book that usually pairs the lead story from an issue of Simpsons Comics with two or three short Bart Simpson comics reprints. It just struck me as well-timed that this comic came out the same month IDW started their new Uncle Scrooge title.
DuckTales was spoofed in a brief vignette as part of a backup story in a Duff Man one-shot comic book last year, becoming (what else?) DuffTales with Duff Man as Uncle McDuff.
I see, Deb!
HERE’S Deb’s link for your Simpsonian viewing pleasure!
In a bizarre way, it seems to be the logical extension of THIS COVER. And good gosh, have we just seen the final fate of Spider-Pig? Mmmmm…. Spiiiider-Piiig… Ahhhhh…
Now that I know that’s another book I don’t need to buy, it raises a question about reprints. I’d say the best way to present them would be to segregate them from a “regular line”, as it looks like Bongo is dong!
The “regular monthly” SCOOBY-DOO WHERE ARE YOU comic is less than half new story material, and more than half reprints from the DC SCOOBY-DOO comic from the late ‘90s and early to mid-2000s, as I illustrated in THIS POST.
So, as much as I rave-on about the SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP title on this Blog, I do not buy the “regular monthly” SCOOBY-DOO WHERE ARE YOU comic. …Gosh, that’s a lotta links for one comment reply!
Interesting thought (…if only to me). As often as I praise the Gold Key Comics of the mid-sixties, would I have felt differently about all the reprints of ‘40s and ‘50s material, if I had those old issues back then, as I feel about the present-day SCOOBY-DOO WHERE ARE YOU title? After all, DC is doing the exact same thing that Gold Key did. Only difference is I *have* those older SCOOBY issues, and did not have (at the time) the older Dell BUGS BUNNY and MICKEY MOUSE issues.
It looks as if IDW is going to manage its own Disney reprints well, and keep things interesting for readers both new and old.
I liked the new stories in Scooby Doo team up so much that I eventually caved in and added the monthly Scooby title to my pull list for the new lead story. The reprints tick me off even though I don't have the bracket issues they come from because DC has enough writers and artists for Scooby that they could have 2 new stories in an issue. If they have to include reprints in the monthly title I would rather it be some of Mark Evanier's Scooby comics since those issues cost much more than the DC issues from just 10 years ago.
I was hoping the topic of reprints would spur some discussion. It’s always interesting to see how different folks have different views.
I take it you oppose the use of reprints, in general, as part of a “regular comic line” vs. special reprint collections. That’s pretty much my view in a nutshell – but, if I didn’t have all those earlier DC SCOOBY-DOO issues (and unless I was presently in a dedicated mode to collect them all as back issues), I wouldn’t necessarily mind (and might even enjoy) their use in the ongoing monthly title.
Just as, back in 1964-1966, I very much enjoyed Gold Key reprints of Donald Duck “Secret of Hondorica”, Mickey Mouse “The Wonderful Whizzix”, Bugs Bunny “The Rocketing Radish”, and Porky Pig “Phantom of the Plains”. Indeed, these stories were SO GREAT (…and all the more so in the context of being a kid in the mid-sixties) that they remain some of my favorite comics of all time!
…But, if I had the original Dell issues at the time (I do now, of course), they probably wouldn’t be “all-time favorites”, and I might even be annoyed at their reappearance!
I’m with you in that it seems to me that DC could manage two all-new SCOOBY-DOO titles, especially as SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP is bi-monthly, but they’re probably operating in the same mindset that Gold Key did all those years ago. I don’t agree with it, especially in 2015 as opposed to 1965, but I understand it. And, unlike in the mid-sixties, I’m willing to forego the one new story, to not double-up on the reprints.
Unfortunately for all of us, the Mark Evanier SCOOBY-DOO material did not originate with (does not belong to?) DC, and so I wouldn’t expect to see it reprinted… alas.
I oppose reprints in most regular comics lines simply to not make buying back issues complicated.
Now things are different with Disney comics mainly because I have made a division between old and modern Disney comics, with Gladstone being the first modern American publisher. I've made this divide from when I bought an issue of a Gold Key era Disney comics and found it smelled really bad. This has led me less inclined to buy pre-Gladstone comics because of their age. That's why I would like to see
Good Western material in some modern forum of Disney comic. But I would object to the reprinting of anything already published in America by Gladstone or it's successor publishers.
To get off topic (again) if the IDW Disney comic's are successful is there any chance that every issue could be 52 pages with the same price of 3.99.
Now, that’s very interesting, Clapton.
Since a great deal of Western material HAS been reprinted by Gladstone Series One and all publishers that followed – and some will be reprinted by IDW, not a great deal from what I see, but some – I take it that those particular stories would be on your “Don’t Reprint” list, and the rest of it would be eligible. …Fair enough.
Though I’d hesitate to beware of all pre-Gladstone era comics for their… er, “olfactory attributes”. While “basement storage scents” and the like can indeed be a hazard in navigating the world of vintage comic books, one can help avoid that particular situation by asking (if you buy it from a dealer at a convention, as I have bought the vast majority of mine) to open and inspect the comic before purchase.
That way, you can take a deep breath before committing to purchase – and also check for missing centerfolds, torn pages, cut coupons, and other hazards of the hobby!
To your other question, as I say – I do not speak for IDW, and would not be able to provide an answer. But, I’d imagine, the better these comics do sales-wise, the more likely it is to happen. Meanwhile, regardless of the page count, we can all enjoy the superb paper and print quality and lack of commercial interruption in the midst of stories!
After a rather interesting week or two involving a stint in the hospital, I have, indeed, now read the issue. I can't say how much this was simply because I finally had a new Scrooge publication, but I was delighted. Although neither of the full stories blew me away or anything, both were fully entertaining and showcased Scarpa's art spectrum nicely, with a good amount of clever gags even if the Minnie one went on a bit long. As for the one-pager, I've never been a fan of the particular art style it employed, but the joke was very nicely done.
Once again though, I must reiterate the absolute quality of the publication even over the very enjoyable content. The print and page quality and popping colors were so refreshing. I'll definitely be picking up the pilot issues of the other series over the next few months and hopefully subscribing to more than one. Are the TBPs going to be for 4 issues each? I might opt for that as an economical option to avoid shipping/gas.
I’m certainly sorry to learn of your hospital experience, and sincerely hope all is better now.
Glad you enjoyed the issue. As for the “Minnie bit”, I’ll split the blame with Scarpa. He for keeping Scrooge in the dress for so long in the original art – and me for my penchant for mercilessly milking a gag.
I’m still not completely clear on the content of the TPBs, but early indications are that you may be right. We shall see.
Hope to see you back for # 2 and #3.
Yep, doing much better Joe. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the joke!
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