Happy Fourth!
Stay safe! Don't do anything like this!
And come back on Friday, when we'll say "Good-Bye" to something OTHER than American Disney Comic Books! ...It'll be good, not sad!
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In the meantime, here's a classic July 4th image to go out on! |
Hmmm, nice segue, Joey. From Kaboom Comics to kaboom rockets. Maybe Donald will say "Good-Bye" to a few fingers. Wak!
You enjoy your Fourth as well.
Funny thing about that cover, TCJ…
It would probably never be allowed by Disney today – or, if it was, the nephews would be gasping in horror at the disaster that is about to befall Donald, rather than taking gleeful delight in his upcoming misfortune. …The little brats!
Uncle Sam, meanwhile, only wanted a pig for his Fourth of July barbecue.
Eek! You’ve just ruined that image for all time!
…And, perhaps Porky didn’t “Stay Safe” after all!
It might be overstylized and use too much rotoscoping, but "Old Glory" is one of my favorite cartoons. Hope you all had a great 4th! (Me, I'm hoping the little thugs in my neighborhood have finally used up all their fireworks!)
“Old Glory” WAS one of the all-time greats, JoeC, until… until… (Sniff-Sniff!) David ruined it for me in this comment thread!
Y-Y-You don’t REALLY think Unca Sam’s gonna EAT Porky… d-d-do you? >Shudder!<
Couldn’t he find enough “pork” in Washington, without resorting to this?
Nah, i'm pretty sure Uncle Sam keeps kosher.
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