Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Life is Like a Hurricane... And Full of SURPRISES, Too!

I don't know if I'm the first to break this, but it'll be common knowledge soon enough...

But, to anyone who dared brave the expected torrent of (all together now) "Marvel Specificity" and picked up WHAT IF...? DONALD DUCK BECAME WOLVERINE (Marvel Comics, Released July 31, 2024)...

 ...And cracked the cover (NO, not THAT kind of CRACK!), they would see (GASP!)... THIS!  


Don't know the details - and don't care! Let's just call it a welcome sight, and hope it's a sign of future synergy to come!   

...And hey, that is ONE AMAZING BOOK pictured in the ad above, and also below.  It's even got the fabled Marco Rota Donald Duck biographical story... which I've wanted to see in English since discovering it in 1984!  

Not only did I get to SEE it, but I also got to WRITE THE DIALOGUE for it!  

...Sometimes, dreams DO come true!  

We're still in the thick of taking comments for the previous post on Huckleberry Hound, so look for more on that subject later!  But, now I really had to have this "Fantagraphics Ad Thing", jump the line a tad! ...Your comments are welcome on BOTH posts! 

Huck probably wishes that someone "jumped the line" ahead of HIM, in THIS CASE!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: "Punch" and... "Judy"?

Here's another interesting little "Charlton Oddity", from HANNA-BARBERA PARADE # 6 (Charlton Comics, Cover Date: April, 1972)...

Poor Huckleberry Hound (...apparently on a carnival date with a HUMAN female) is (pardon the expression) "roped" into one of those "boxing challenges" that occurred so often in the comedy/entertainment media of the early to mid 20th Century, and that hopefully no longer exist in real life!   (Click to Enlarge!) 

A well placed banana peel (see the third panel above) allows Huck to emerge victorious, but get a good look at the conquering hero's gal...

...And darned if it doesn't look like some 20th Century ancestor of JUDY JETSON!  

Golly, I wonder what happened to his old "Darling Clementine"?  

Oh, and before we go, also note the not-so-valiant-attempt at recreating the "GOLD KEY STYLE - THE END LOGO" in the lower right corner!  

On some level, I suppose even CHARLTON knew that Gold Key had produced the best Hanna-Barbera comic books!