I approached LOST by getting the first three seasons on DVD at a Best Buy sale, and later returned for Season Four when it was released. Seasons Five and Six have come to me via TV, though I also have Season Five on DVD – and will get Season Six when it is released this coming August.
From there, DVD led me to HEROES and FRINGE.

And so, when FLASH FORWARD was released on DVD February 23, I made a point to pick it up. Watched the first episode… And, as with LOST, Mom was right again!
It’s the same type of “Big Incident Surrounded By Mystery” sci-fi adventure as is LOST. It has its own intriguing characters, whom I will soon get to know. And, as one eye-catching visual image in the first episode indicates, FLASH FORWARD takes place in the SAME UNIVERSE as LOST!

FLASH FORWARD has a fine pedigree, helmed by such individuals as David S. Goyer formerly of DC Comics and Brannon Braga formerly of STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION. I trust these talented gentlemen will take me on quite the ride!
And, all because I believe that you’re never too old to take advice from your mother!
Finally, one important reminder, please… As I as seeing FLASH FORWARD for the first time – No Spoilers! Thank you!