As my simple response to the images of the Yogi Bear 2010 CGI film that have begun appearing on the Internet (Check out this post from our friend “YOWP”), here’s the way Yogi SHOULD LOOK.
The cover of Gold Key’s YOGI BEAR # 19 (January, 1965) is by the great Harvey Eisenberg. And, if Yogi and Boo Boo were to speak, they would be voiced by the great Daws Butler and Don Messick.
The cover of Gold Key’s YOGI BEAR # 19 (January, 1965) is by the great Harvey Eisenberg. And, if Yogi and Boo Boo were to speak, they would be voiced by the great Daws Butler and Don Messick.
As a well-known comic book legend (whose outfit also published Yogi in the late ‘70s) would put it: ‘NUFF SAID!
And I thought John Kricfalusi's takes on the classic H-B characters were frightening. I guess we have those two ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS movies to thank for this.
Let's hope Disney doesn't get the crazy idea that it can duplicate this with CGI adaptations of DTVA series. We might get that "Scrooge voiced by Sean Connery" film whether we want it or not!
I’ll take Sean Connery over Justin Timberlake ANY DAY!
Imagine the Jonas Brothers (or the Boy Band of the Month) as the QUACK PACK Nephews! Then despair!
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