The animated series SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS has been incredibly popular for over a decade! Occasionally, I would get the feeling that I should see (…or, at least try to understand) what I was missing. Then, I would shake it off, go back to my classics and contemporary favorites, and not give the matter any additional thought.
Then, one day, when I saw the Spongebob DVD collection "The First 100 Episodes" (...Yes, that's the just the FIRST 100 Episodes!!!), I finally had to bite. After all, I'd sure be getting more than a representative sampling in one dose.
But, before indulging, I looked up THIS REVIEW of Season One -- and decided that I might actually like it! Once I read that review, I said this is at least worth a look.
And, OH YES, I sure do like it!

It's funny and absurd in ways I never imagined a "contemporary kids cartoon" could be!
Pleasing designs, funny animation, sharp and entertaining dialogue (that's important to me)... and a core of three great characters -- and two more great peripheral characters!
I can see why it's so popular, and how its popularity has apparently sustained longer than DuckTales, Batman, Pinky and The Brain, and all of its other modern contemporaries!

Spongebob is voiced by the talented and funny Tom Kenny, with COACH’s Bill Fagerbakke (Dawber) as Patrick, and Rodger Bumpass steals every episode in which he appears as the perpetually put-upon, curmudgeonly Squidward.

The look of SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS is very pleasing to the eye. Attractive and inspired character designs are combined with lush, vibrant backgrounds and far better than average television animation. Imagine if a John Kricfalusi cartoon was GOOD, instead of existing only for grossness and shock value, and that will give you an indication of the look of the show.
Again, the humor, and especially the dialogue, is quite good. Certainly better than I imagined for a “kids cartoon”!
And audacity? Imagine reuniting Ernest Borgnine and Tim Conway of McHALE’S NAVY in a wonderful parody of Filmation's AQUAMAN ("Medmaidman and Barnacle Boy") - but now they're VERY OLD and in a nursing home! However, over-fanboyishly Spongebob doesn't know – or won’t accept – this because he just kept watching the old reruns on TV. He annoyingly and relentlessly urges them back into action. I suppose they couldn’t get Adam West and Burt Ward!

“Culture Shock” conjures up images of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck (as interpreted by Spongebob and Squidward) in the classic “Show-Biz Bugs”, at the big Krusty Krab Talent Show.
“Scaredy Pants”: Thanks to Patrick, cowardly Spongebob becomes the scariest thing in Bikini Bottom, for Halloween! Then, “The Ghost of the Flying Dutchman” and his Soul Sack (for stealing souls, of course) – the REAL source of the undersea scary Halloween legends – shows up. Nice ending reveal on this one. No spoilers.
“SB-129”: Squidward just wants some peace to practice his clarinet. To escape the annoying Spongebob and Patrick, he accidentally locks himself in a deep freezer for 2000 years! Upon release, he learns that everything is made of chrome (a material he apparently abhors), and is confronted with “Sponge-Tron” and his 486 clones! Fleeing this nightmare in a nearby time machine, he travels back to the prehistoric sea, and smack into primitive versions of Spongebob and Patrick – who are driven to savagery by the sound of Squidward’s clarinet! Then he’s on to a “dimension of nothing”, where the surreal animation really takes over. Wonderful stuff!
“Suds”: Spongebob comes down with a bad case of “The Suds”, the aquatic invertebrates’ equivalent of a COLD! This condition is marked by powerful sneezing, which expels large quantities of BUBBLES. Spongebob is headed to the doctor, until Patrick terrifies him with tales of “The Waiting Room”. “Old Magazines”, and “Cold Stethoscopes”! Patrick attempts to “home treat” his pal, but the treatment is worse than the illness – and Spongebob relents, and visits the doctor after all.
I won’t spoil things but the doctor’s “cure” is a remarkable sequence, the likes of which has probably never been seen in television animation! So effective was it that Patrick feigns the same illness – and gets a very different treatment. (I guess sponges and starfish are treated differently!). In terms of outrageous concept and flawless execution, I’ll say that, if you’ve experienced the entire output of animation – from the early silents to the present day, you’ve NEVER seen anything that plays quite like this entry! A TRUE original!
SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS may be an omnipresent merchandising juggernaut and kids show icon, but don’t let THAT keep you from enjoying this unexpectedly clever series – on TV or DVD! (…I’d recommend DVD, to avoid the annoying commercials – and “all the rest” that’s associated with Nickelodeon!) It's surprisingly good and surprisingly funny (certainly for the small number of early episodes that I’ve enjoyed so far) – and I thought I'd share that!

“SB-129”: Squidward just wants some peace to practice his clarinet. To escape the annoying Spongebob and Patrick, he accidentally locks himself in a deep freezer for 2000 years! Upon release, he learns that everything is made of chrome (a material he apparently abhors), and is confronted with “Sponge-Tron” and his 486 clones! Fleeing this nightmare in a nearby time machine, he travels back to the prehistoric sea, and smack into primitive versions of Spongebob and Patrick – who are driven to savagery by the sound of Squidward’s clarinet! Then he’s on to a “dimension of nothing”, where the surreal animation really takes over. Wonderful stuff!

I won’t spoil things but the doctor’s “cure” is a remarkable sequence, the likes of which has probably never been seen in television animation! So effective was it that Patrick feigns the same illness – and gets a very different treatment. (I guess sponges and starfish are treated differently!). In terms of outrageous concept and flawless execution, I’ll say that, if you’ve experienced the entire output of animation – from the early silents to the present day, you’ve NEVER seen anything that plays quite like this entry! A TRUE original!

Spongebob IS a great show. Some longtime fans have been complaining that it's uh... jumped the shark in recent years, but kids sure do love it. In 30 years, he'll be remembered as fondly as many other cartoon icons. (And the show will probably still be on the air, too... heh.)
SPONGEBOB has been marketed most mercilessly in a manner that DUCKTALES and PINKY AND THE BRAIN never were. That certainly can't have hurt its longevity.
Considering that Spongebob began in 1999 (!) and is apparently still producing new episodes, it wouldn’t surprise me to find that it may have “jumped the jellyfish” (they DO sting when caught in those “jellyfish catching nets” don’t they?).
I suspect that, in those “First 100 Episodes”, I must certainly have the best of it. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen thus far – to an unexpected degree! And, at this writing, I’ve only watched 17 of them. I’ve read some really good comments about Season Three – and I’m still only in Season One (at least according to the S1 Review I linked to.)
BTW, any idea how far into the run the “First 100 Episodes” goes? I know that Season Six is out now, and may want to get whatever is not included in the mega-set I already have. In fact, it may be interesting to “jump” to a more current season just to see if it’s really “jumped”.
RE: Lack of marketing for DUCKTALES and PINKY AND THE BRAIN vs. SPONGEBOB… Whose fault is that? ...Huh, Disney and Warner?
I think it’s pretty damned impressive that ANY non-prime time animated series is still producing new episodes after TEN YEARS! Even FAMILY GUY hasn’t truly been “in-production” for ten years, given its cancelation and later resumption, leaving only THE SIMSPSONS to make (and exceed) that claim!
And, if “merciless marketing” is responsible for that, then I wish more of our favorites were marketed just as mercilessly.
You should give SPONGEBOB a peek. After all, I wasn’t a “believer” until I did!
Tell ‘em Squidward sent you!
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