Thursday, August 17, 2023

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: And It Shall Come To Pass - Eventually through Corporate Mergers!

I can't help but wonder if the production person responsible for attributing MGM's Tom and Jerry to Warner Bros. (!!!) in TOM AND JERRY #162 (Dell Comics, Cover Date: January, 1958)...

...Simply goofed... or was a 1950s version of Nostradamus! 

Perhaps he or she foresaw MGM falling under the Turner Broadcasting umbrella... and Turner eventually being consumed by Warner Bros./Time Warner - making this logo CORRECT!  ...A bit ahead of its time, but correct nonetheless!  

Proving that, if you wait around long enough, corporate mergers can bring about ANYTHING! 

But, could even such a prodigious prognosticator foresee the the blunders and horrors of the great folly and disaster that would be the Warner Bros./Discovery merger?  A "disaster" that's NOT "waiting to happen"... because it's ALREADY HERE!

Nah! Not even "Old Nostie" could be THAT GOOD! 

But, this particular instance of erroneous branding must still go down as rather ironic, given what eventually came to pass... why, you could even call it a "Branding Irony"!

Of course, Warner Bros. HAS been known to infiltrate some of the darnedest places...

Yeah, I'm talkin' 'bout YOU, Bugs! 

Thankfully, this error-in-attribution was corrected for the story's reprint in TOM AND JERRY #317 (Gold Key Comics, Cover Date: April, 1979).  

See my notes for the GCD INDEX of the later issue HERE!

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