Saturday, December 1, 2018

R.I.P. President George H. W. Bush.

The 41st President of the United States, George H. W. Bush, passed away on November 30, 2018 at the age of 94.

I almost never touch on politics at this Blog, for obvious reasons, but I must say that overall I liked President Bush - presumably the last pre-baby-boomer, and certainly the last World War II veteran, that will hold the highest office of our land.  

George H. W. Bush presided over an interesting time of great change for the country... and for me personally!  I'd like to think that, after a number of crises and lesser missteps, both the USA and yours truly "found our footing" under the first President Bush and both went on to bigger and better things!  

If one must apply a "personal scale" to these things, all I need say is that virtually every aspect of my life, personally, professionally, financially, socially, etc. was worse in the times before the presidency of George H. W. Bush - and all of it was better both during and after his time in office!  

Even if he was not directly or personally responsible for those many improvements, perhaps the tone he set for the nation had something to do with it!  

By that measure, and numerous others, he was a great success!  

1 comment:

Pokey said...

RIP G.H.W>Bush. I've always loved the Bushes (voted BUsh jr..didn;t get out for George Sr.,but all--the-way encouraged voting and I have always supported him even fore presidence..