Friday, April 5, 2019

Adventures in Pantry Raiding: Going "Crackers"?

Yes, once in a while I will occasionally lift my head from blogging about comic books and forage for food!

Fortunately, I have only to forage the length of 3 1/2 flooring tiles, from my den's door to the food pantry!

On such a "pantry raid" (pardon), I chanced to discover this curious item...

...Leaving me with but one question to ask...

What in the heck are "ENTERTAINER CRACKERS"? 

Do they "sing and dance" their way into your tummy? 

And, if so, I hope they sound more like Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin...

...Rather than AC/DC...

...'Cause, while I "like me some AC/DC", my tummy would consider it a "Dirty Deed Done Dirt Cheap"!    

Don't just lie there, stacked in your individually-wrapped sleeves... ENTERTAIN ME!  


Achille Talon said...

I suspect the intended meaning of the phrase is that the crackers are intended to be of use to socialites who are "entertaining" in the sense of hosting some sort of party. The crackers would then be positioned in a tasteful crystal bowl and left there throughout the hors-d'œuvres.

Joe Torcivia said...

Oh, sure, Achille…

But, to live up to their billing, shouldn’t they at least tell a few jokes while “positioned in a tasteful crystal bowl and left there throughout the hors-d'œuvres”!

I’d settle for some puns, or even a few “Bad Goat Jokes”!

I mean what are they, anyway? “hors-d'œuvres”, or “BORE-d'œuvres”!

Here, I’ll help them get started…

“What did Ebenezer Goat-Scrooge” say at Christmas time?
“Baaaaa, humbug!”

C’mon, crackers… Work for that “tasteful crystal bowl”! You could be in Tupperware, or sumpthin’!

Achille Talon said...

I'm disappointed in you for talking about the crackers "telling jokes". If they're going to do anything of that sort, then surely you'll agree they would be cracking jokes. To crack up the audience.

Joe Torcivia said...

...And *I'm* disappointed in me for not thinking of those bad puns first!

Debbie Anne said...

Welcome to the world of food blogging! Before long, you'll be inspired to record your every meal or snack for posterity on-line! You'll have to rename this blog "The Food on my Plate. This blog offers "THE UNIVERSE OF THINGS THAT I ATE FOR LUNCH" – NOW JUST A CLICK AWAY!"
A word of advice: Do not actually do this.

Joe Torcivia said...


But, fear not… As I understand it, only millennials (including my stepson and daughter-in-law, who gave Averi to the world) take pictures of their food, and share it with an unsuspecting – and, presumably, uninterested – world, via social media!

Yes, I’ve actually seen this while eating out with them! Now, however, they have something much cuter to photograph!

Also, could you imagine what the “Bad Goat Jokes” would be like, if this were a Food Blog?

Why, everything would be “on the table”… including the table itself!

Achille Talon said...

Oh, I'd table on it. And albeit a hypothetical scenario… it is food for thought! After all, no matter how odd or inane the subject matter, I'm sure your reader would still "eat it all up" if you presented it with a side-order of those tasteful puns of yours!

Joe Torcivia said...


So glad you've taken up the pun-slack, as I have "so much on my plate" right now!

And, in one of those great coincidences, I happen to be EATING those crackers right now, as I write this reply! Yes, really!

They aren't nearly as "entertaining" as my reader comments!

And, since they break-up so easily, I might even say they're "crumb-y"!