Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rare Negative DVD Review Coming!

It isn’t often that I give a DVD set a negative review, but come back on Friday and you’ll see one! 

If someone were to call me “All Thumbs”, it would come in handy, because I’d turn ALL TEN of ‘em down on this very disappointing release.  One, I might add, that I was really looking forward to! 
…That’ll probably help you figure out which recent release it is! 

Most often, if I don’t like something, I simply don’t write about it at all.  But, I’m disappointed enough to make an exception! 

So, while Donald gets me further into the mood, plan to visit on Friday for an uncharacteristic (for me) “Looong DVD Review” that deservedly goes where none of them have gone before! 


  1. I'm pretty sure I know which DVD you are referring to. While there were a couple of perks, overall the package was a disappointment--and essentially a rerun of stuff that had been previously released. And those previous releases treated the material with better respect than this one did. For those who had little to no previous familiarity with the characters, this would prove a poor introduction. Even the bonus feature was a rerun from a previous release. I agree--a major disappointment.

  2. I’d say “I’m pretty sure I know” what “you’re pretty sure YOU know” – and “I think you’re right” about “what you think you’re right” about, Scarecrow!

    Come back on Friday, and join in the fun!

    “I’m pretty sure” you’ll find it interesting… Or, at least easier to follow than this confusingly cryptic comment.

  3. Joe,

    I think that I'm "onto you" as well here. But I'll withhold further comment until Friday.


  4. Good gosh, Chris… Am I *that* transparent? :-)

    Or, is it the sign on my back that says: “Not POPEYE… Not TAZ-MANIA… But that OTHER eagerly-anticipated, recently released animation DVD set that I’ve been posting about? …The one that SHOULD have been a very special celebration of a key TV animation studio’s glory days – and part of a GREATER celebration of my all-time favorite entertainment studio’s 90th birthday? …THAT one?”

    That is ONE HEAVY SIGN to be carrying around until Friday! …Puff-Pant!
