Friday, September 23, 2022

Happy Second Birthday to Cici!

Two years ago on this date (September 23) "The World Just Got Much Cuter", with the arrival of Cici!  

And now she is TWO!  

She and big-sister Averi bring new heights of joy and love into our lives every day!  

Can't ya tell?! 

Yeah, you can tell!  

 Happy Second Birthday, Cici!  We love you! 


  1. Happy Birthday, Cici! I love the way you are looking at and pointing to your grandpa in the photo. Guess what? You are beginning your THIRD year! Next year when you are three you can tell everyone that you are in your FOURTH year and they will think you are wrong but you will be RIGHT!!

    (This will be too confusing for Cici at her age, I suppose--I should tell Averi about this magical fact, instead! I bet she would understand it! Your first year ENDS with your first birthday....)

  2. Thank you, Elaine!

    We have this little cutie here with us just about every day, to one extent or another, and we love it. She gets brighter and more adorable by the day! She MAY get that “magical fact”, as she can now count to ten!

    But Averi would fully get it as she can count into the thousands, and do addition and subtraction by now… even though she likes to say that things happen “one million, billion, trillion, infinity” times as a tease.

    Two years from this very day comes Averi’s fifth… imagine birthdays two months apart to the day!

    Cici made an unscheduled visit here today so her parents could keep doctor’s appointments, so we even got to see her on her big day! Yay!

  3. Happy belated birthday, Cici!

  4. And a not-so-belated thank you, Sergio!

    HERE is Sergio's link for ease of viewing!
