Without additional comment, we present the following panel from STAR TREK # 3 (Gold Key Comics, Cover Date: December, 1968)...
...Okay, maybe a little comment from Averi... No one would want to argue with HER!

...And, with ALL THOSE PEOPLE ON EARTH, they could be talking about virtually anyone!
First post created and published entirely under the NEW version of Blogger! Please let me know if you see or find anything different or unusual!
As it is, I must actually access and modify the HTML code in order to retain the font size that is normal for this Blog. ...Good thing I spent nearly all my adult life as a programmer!
Hopefully, Google will correct that matter before long!
How about that? Thinking back to your previous post on Gold Key's "Star Trek" books, I'd say that series was remarkably prescient...
As to the look and feel of the post, I don't notice anything different or unusual. So far, it seems to me that only us bloggers notice the big changes with Blogger. The final product still looks the same, and that's a good thing. I don't even know why they bothered to change anything at all. I liked the old version of Blogger better myself. At the same time, though, I'm glad they updated it. It (hopefully) shows that, contrary to rumors that have been swirling for years, Google is not planning to give Blogger the ax. Yay Google and yay Blogger!
I’ll second that “ Yay Google and yay Blogger!”, Sergio!
I must confess that I had a rather difficult time with the FONT SIZE (having, as I mentioned, to access and modify the HTML code – something I NEVER had to do before in a dozen years on Blogger)! And had difficulty in sizing the images and the corresponding amount of blank space around them. So much so that I actually had to withdraw the post, after initial publishing, to give it a serious workover!
But, you live and learn!
And yes… I was hoping someone would remember that older STAR TREK post! Thank you!
HERE is a link to it!
…Let’s hope the new version of Blogger supports my old HTML method of adding links to these comments! I guess we’ll see when we take the link!
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