DC Comics, with their constantly shifting incomprehensible continuity, and the use of writers and artists that simply do not stand up to the extremely high quality of the DC Comics line of the ‘80s and ‘90s, leads my disenchantment.
So, now I go every few weeks, and pick up fewer titles – but those I do pick up, I enjoy immensely.
But TODAY, was just one great big ball of enjoyment overload!!!
From Boom! Studios:
MICKEY MOUSE # 305: Reprinting the Paul Murry Mickey serial “The Lens Hunters”. Paul Murry cover!
DARKWING DUCK # 9: Featuring Steelbeak (One of my favorite DW villains) and an outstanding tribute to the TV series MAD MEN on its first three pages! Especially PAGE THREE!
DONALD DUCK # 363: Offers a Geoffrey Blum story ABOUT Carl Barks, the final story hatched from Barks’ brain illustrated by Daan Jippes, and a Barks 10-page mini adventure to close it out. Don Rosa cover!
WALT DISNEY’S COMICS (AND STORIES) # 716: Leads with the Carl Barks written “A Day in a Duck’s Life” (the final story Barks wrote for the DONALD DUCK title in the early 1970s) redrawn in superior style by Daan Jippes and a classic Barks 10-pager to follow. Don Rosa cover!
…AND, biggest surprise.

So, finally SpongeBob… and several magnificent issues from Boom!
Boom!’s Disney line is now BETTER THAN EVER! Get on board!
Here’s my Big Day illustrated below! Gosh, I feel like a fanboy again!