Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: "Model Batman" Before There Was a "Same Bat Channel"!

To celebrate "Batman Week", or "the 80th anniversary of Batman" - or just because Batman is so great in general, we present the following...

Take a look at this really nice Batman Aurora Model Kit ad from LOIS LANE # 57 (DC Comics, Cover Date: May, 1965) and, presumably, other DC titles concurrently on sale. 

...Now, tell me what's slightly odd about it (if I haven't already given it away in the post's title)

Given that "MAY-dated" DC Comics of the period were generally released in MARCH, and that GRAND COMICS DATABASE reports an actual on-sale date for LOIS LANE # 57 as March 25, 1965, the sweeping popularity and merchandising wave of BAT-MANIA, spawned by the 1966 BATMAN TV SERIES, would still be TEN MONTHS AWAY! 

Yet, Batman, strictly as a comic book character, merited what appears to be a very attractive model kit - and certainly a very attractive AD for that model kit!   

Speaks well for a character with an already "long history"... that (little did we know) was just getting started! 


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