Thursday, September 26, 2019

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: "Bat-and-Switch" Advertising!

To celebrate "Batman Week", or "the 80th anniversary of Batman" - or just because Batman is so great in general, we present the following...

Batman has always been great at "pulling surprises out of his utility belt" (...perhaps I should rephrase that, but let's move on), and he certainly does so in an ad appearing in SUPERMAN # 380 (Cover Date: February, 1983) and, presumably, other DC Comics with similar cover dates!

By this time, we'd all become used to seeing the Caped Crusader, his various DC "super friends" (lower case intentional), Marvel Comics characters, and even Warner Bros. characters in ads hawking (...why didn't they use "Henery Hawk"?) Hostess Cup Cakes, Twinkies, and Fruit Pies!

(Click to enlarge all that Hostess Cup Cake Bat-Goodness!)

So, when reading SUPERMAN # 380, I just expected more of same, when I turned the page and saw THIS. 

Oh sure, Batman's gonna turn things around with some Hostess baked goods as he always does in these ads... BUT, WAIT... Something NEW has been added!  

Instead of THIS...

...We get THIS! 

Holy "Bat-and-Switch" Advertising, Batman! 

It sure looked like another of those ubiquitous '70s Hostess ads to me!  

Just look at 'em together!  Would anyone think this was at all cricket?  

Okay, okay! So it's "cricket"! Please don't hurt me! 

At least we now have an answer to the age-old Bat-question: "Where does he get those WONDERFUL TOYS?"

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