Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Gone to the Con!

It's been a very eventful few weeks comics-wise, as well as personally! Not to mention my usual (...all together now) "Horrifically Busy" state of normalcy!

But, for four special days this coming week, I will leave everything behind...

...The really good...

…And everything else..

...As I spend some of "MY First Millions" (...long before I'll ever achieve them) at NEW YORK COMIC CON 2018!

I hope to strike a little more GOLD (...and SILVER and BRONZE AGE COMICS) than Scrooge and his vaunted "Super-Pickax", seen "epic-failing" on both the cover above, and in the panels below!

...His "pick" would not seem to be all that "legendary", if you "ax" me!  

Then again, on the subject of "legendary", there was always THIS!  So, I guess you can... er, "...take your pick"

Why, there's even THIS, if you prefer!

Yeah, I know... "Picky, Picky, Picky"!  Panels from IDW's UNCLE SCROOGE # 11 (Cover date: February, 2016). 

But, that's the great thing about comics... You can PICK and choose, according to your likes - and dislikes.  

For instance, I'm not sure if my favorite comic-book version of BATMAN is THIS...



...Or, even THIS! 

But I DO KNOW it's NOT THIS, the most recent and "modern" version!  

And so, for the first time in decades, I have stopped buying and reading BATMAN! 

Others, no doubt, may flock to the new version, and shun all of what I regard to be the older - and superior - versions!  

But, again, that's what makes comics great... because there are a great many (...all together now) older - and superior - versions for us to buy, collect, read, and re-read!  Like these...

The list of such back issues, not unlike the above gallery of illustrations, is delightfully endless! The more time passes, the more is added to that glorious whole!  And, the younger you are, the more there is ahead of you!  Enjoy every bit of it to the fullest!  

Oh, if that GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE gag (seen several ramblings above) sounds familiar, it's because I've previously used it in IDW's WALT DISNEY'S MICKEY AND DONALD CHRISTMAS PARADE # 3 (Cover Date: December, 2017).  

It never hurts to dust off some of the old gags, and give them a workout! The oldies, by and large, tend to be goodies precisely because their enjoyment-factor has given them the longevity to become "oldies" in the first place!    

Hopefully, by now, I've imparted enough wisdom (or lunatic ravings - you decide) to hold you for the duration of NEW YORK COMIC CON 2018! 

We'll be back after that, heavier in Great Old Back-Issues - and lighter in cash, alas, with much more Bloggish-blather.  I have about 30 POSTS either completed or in some form of progress - and some long overdue "presents" from our friend Achille Talon to share with you! 

Be there... or be Bear!  

As I used to say in the old THE ISSUE AT HAND fanzine and APA column... "Good Night and Good Comics Reading"


  1. ...His "pick" would not seem to be all that "legendary", if you "ax" me!

    Hoho! Now that is a line that Ms. Brady would have done well to put in Digger's mouth (beak?). Ax-olutely.

    I will also note that your granddaughter continues to be the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. Though, from her pictures, not the smiliest…

  2. Thank you, Achille:

    As for any mining implements that might assume “Legendary Status”, I just “put ‘em out there” and let you readers form your own opinions!

    Yes, I have to admit (though I’m somewhat biased in this area, even more so than with “legendary mining implements”) that Averi is the CUTEST thing around! I’m already looking forward to the days when I can take her for pizza – and read some really good comics to her, as my Grandma Millie did for me! …Gotta continue the family traditions, ya know!

    New York Comic Con starts Thursday, October 04, 2018 and runs through Sunday, October 07. Replies to comments will be less timely during that period – but please keep ‘em coming! I appreciate every one of them!

  3. I’d have to have the page in front of me to come up with better lines for the “legendary pickax” sequence.
