Monday, October 8, 2018

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: 90 Years from TODAY with Judge Dredd!

For today's "Adventure in Comic-Boxing" we direct your attention to JUDGE DREDD CLASSICS # 72 (Fleetway/Quality, Cover Date: September, 1992).  

As you all should know, Judge Dredd IS THE LAW in the great eastern USA post-apocalyptic metropolis of Mega City One...

...And he once again proved it (or WILL prove it) NINETY YEARS FROM TODAY, on October 08, 2108! 

9/10 of a century from now, he will quell a riot between an innocent group of "air surfers" and the aggressive "Hell's Packers" gang!  

And do it in his own uniquely-endearing results-oriented style!  

There he goes, getting the job done come HELMET or high water!  

Until 2108 is once again safe for all us law (fearing), uh, abiding citizens! 

Funny thing is that, earlier in THIS VERY SAME ISSUE, we have a more catastrophic event taking place on February 07, 2103!  


So, we have a single issue spanning a period of FIVE YEARS!  

At least the issue's two stories were presented in "Dredd-Time-Chronological-Order"!  

But, no matter the YEAR, month, week, day, hour, minute, second or nano-second, JUDGE DREDD is ever on the job.

And let's always be glad of that!  

Unless he sees you jaywalking, dropping a candy wrapper, or acting otherwise contrary to THE LAW!

Oh, dear! 

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