Sunday, March 9, 2025

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: Time (Zoo) Marches On... From February to March!

Here's a little oddity that I noticed while indexing issues of RICK AND MORTY for GCD! 

It's something no one would ever notice... unless they had two versions of the same promo ad - from two consecutive issues - open at the same time!  ...And, frankly, who in the world would do THAT, unless they were making the world's greatest overall comics information site all the better each and every day?  

From RICK AND MORTY (2023 Series) #1 (Oni Press, Cover Date: January, 2023), we have THIS!

And from the next issue, RICK AND MORTY (2023 Series) #2 (Oni Press, Cover Date: February, 2023), we have THIS!

I guess if you're trapped in the titular "Time Zoo", you'd be prone to say... "February? March? What's the difference!"... and you'd be right!  

But, in the granular and detail obsessed world of GCD Indexing, it would mean all the difference in the "granular and detail obsessed world"!  As you can see HERE!  

...See you next TIME... in February... or March... but, hopefully long before that!  

...Then again, it COULD be a LONG WAIT after all!  

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