Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2025!

 Happy New Year 2025!  

...Or should I, as that famous TV game show goes, phrase it in the form of a question?  

 ...Happy New Year 2025?  

As far as my answer goes... I DUNNO!  

I see some very bad things (or, at the very least, norm-shattering, chaotic things) ahead for 2025 for both our country and the world as a whole! Most of you can probably guess what, as I nonchalantly sidestep the specifics of a topic that is out-of-bounds at this humble Blog.   

Of course, I'm referring to the sudden and unexpected cancelation of THE BATMAN & SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERIES...

...An unfortunate occurrence not to be confused with, or mistaken for, any "real world" events of a political nature - though some of those could stand to be suddenly and unexpectedly canceled too! ...Batman and Scooby, we need your team-ups now, more than ever!  ...There, was that nonchalantly-sidestepping enough for you?  If not, I can try again... Oh, you just want me to move on?  Yeah, I think I should too!  

On the other hand, looking inward (as opposed to the increasingly ominous view "outside", with no more BATMAN & SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERIES to enjoy every month), things are looking very bright - and that's where I will tend to keep my attentions focused!  

Like HERE! 


And the all-great, all-new, all-exciting things comics-wise that are coming in 2025... that, darn it all, I STILL can't talk about!  ...Sorry (at least for now!) 

Happy New Year 2025!  ...For Real!  


  1. Happy New Year to you and Esther, Joe! That's a great picture of Esther and the grandkids! I share your trepidation over the year to come, but I'm glad you have good news you can't yet share, and I hope it will turn out to be good news for all of us! My godson, whom I hooked on Uncle Scrooge a quarter century (!) ago, is getting the Donald Duck 90th Anniversary Collection for Christmas. He agrees with me that it was a fine choice to include Lost in the Andes and Return to Plain Awful as the Barks and Rosa stories--no better way to introduce newbies to the two of them. A great collection overall!

    1. Happy New Year, Elaine!

      Thank you for your kind words on the picture of Esther, Averi, Cici, and Logan! An image made greater still by my remaining behind the camera!

      On this very day – New Year’s Day, no less – some of that “good news” just took a big step toward becoming a reality! More to cryptically come…

      The Donald Duck 90th book is one GREAT collection! Part of a string of such books turned out by Fantagraphics! They are really one of the best publishers ever to handle this material!

      As for that “trepidation”, it is going to be very difficult to adjust to (let alone survive) 2025 and beyond as a period… without The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries!

      In fact, referring to “No Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries” might just become this humble Blog’s symbolic substitute for that unpleasant off-limits topic, in the best interests of keeping this a happy and respectful place! What say you?

      Like whenever something unfortunate occurs at a national level in the coming years, I can lament by saying “Batman & Scooby-Doo Where Are You?!” …Yeah, that just might work!

  2. Happy New Year, Joe! For some of us, Happy New Year also means Happy Birthday! And believe me, there is no day I would rather have, because I always get a double celebration! How many people get New Year's gifts as well as Christmas gifts at this festive season?

    Too bad about the Batman/Scooby Doo title! I was really enjoying it! But I am looking forward to that Super Goof book! As for those other matters which we are not discussing here, remember much of it is BOC--beyond our control! All we can do is to do our best to bring about Peace on Earth as far as we can! Joy & Peace!

    1. Happy New Year, Scarecrow!

      …And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my friend! For you, the holidays just keep on comin’!

      “I am looking forward to that Super Goof book! ”

      As am I! Very much so! Just one more reason that Fantagraphics is (…all together now) one of the best publishers ever to handle this material! …And this time Bob Ogle and Vic Lockman are going to get all the credits they deserve, unlike in the Phantom Blot book!

      “BOC” is a great way to look at it! Thankfully the view out my window will remain a pleasant one… and I’ll do whatever I can to keep it that way!

      “Joy & Peace and Plenty of The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries” back to you! …Might as well start testing out the new metaphoric catchphrase right now! How’s it fit?
