Saturday, April 6, 2024

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: Are Ya Sure Ya Don't Wanna Rethink This?

From the inside back cover of POPULAR COMICS #97 (Dell Comics, Cover Date: March, 1944) comes the following Public Service Message...

Please forgive me if I sound even the slightest bit unpatriotic, but wouldn't this be this very comic book's own equivalent of Daffy Duck saying: "WELL I SAY HE DOES HAVE TO SHOOT ME NOW! SO SHOOT ME NOW!

Would my copy of POPULAR COMICS #97 EVEN EXIST TODAY, if it's original owner in 1944 followed the advice espoused in its very pages?  

Well, I'm happy to say that he or she did not do so... and not only is this book here today to enjoy and inspire a Blog post... but we beat the bad guys anyway, without its nobly-offered gesture of self-sacrifice!  

But, simply for running this advisory, we can not only say "DELL COMICS ARE GOOD COMICS" ( they proudly said for years), they are also "PATRIOTIC COMICS"!     

1 comment:

  1. In the PSA's defence, it wasn't necessarily saying to recycle the comic book itself. It was just advocating the recycling of paper in general.

    I, too, am glad that comic was saved, as opposed to recycled or thrown away.

    But I like the PSA's message and wish the same spirit was prevalent in today's society. Oh sure, there are still PSAs like that one today, but there doesn't seem to be anywhere near the same sense of urgency in dealing with the present-day national and global emergency (namely, ecological overshoot) that there was in dealing with the national and global emergency that was World War II.
