Thursday, July 14, 2022

Adventures in Comic-Boxing: Never Bring a Pickax to a Gunfight...Unless...

The cover of GHOSTS #59 (DC Comics, Cover Date: December, 1977) would seem to bear out the old (shot-in-the) "chest"-nut that says "Never Bring a Knife (or a Pickax) to a Gunfight!"

UNLESS it's a pickax of the "Legendary Super" variety.  

...Then again... 

...Maybe it's just better to wait for a GHOST to come along and save you!

And the MORE GHOSTS, the merrier! 


  1. McDuck would also have to deal with his share of witches between Magica DeSpell, Witch Hazel and Mad Madam Mim, but as far as I know, he never dealt with “Satan’s Graveyard”. Disney would never approve THAT one!

  2. Well, Deb, ya gotta admit that the ghosts of the Clan McDuck made for an interesting story… But, I’d sure like to have seen one of those practitioners of magic’s darker shades you mention transform Scrooge’s “Legendary Super Pickax” into a “Legendary Super Feather Duster”!

    …It would have been much funnier that way, even if the “Fresh and Modern dialogue” remained in the “tepid dishwater” category. “GULP! Maybe that was a little too much… dusting!” …And yes… I had to try really hard to make it sound that bad! Think it’s easy?

  3. And a very good impression it is too.

    Scrooge may not have dealt with Satan's Graveyard, but a Duck ancestor did meet the Devil in Bottaro's Donaldus Faustus, so it's a closer thing than it might seem!

  4. Achille:

    You know how much I love Bottaro's stuff - especially anything with REBO - but I regret that I'll probably never get to see that one.

  5. (…Feel free not to publish this comment if one of A] professional reasons lead to your not wanting to acknowledge it on this blog, or B] you had just forgotten and decide to delete the earlier comment that I'm replying to, but… you *did* read it, didn't you? Many years back, in GeoX's self-made online translation! I could swear I'd seen your feedback on his localization in the comments section of his blog entry on the story.)

  6. Achille:

    No problem with your comment, as I will have a truthful response to it.

    Perhaps I *did* read some derivative of it (and you can bear that out by digging up whatever response I may have had to it), but I honestly did not remember it. Why? Because it is not among my collection of comics written and drawn by professionals – and INDUCKS says it was not published in the USA! …Yes, I even checked to be certain that I didn’t overlook it.

    That fact of the matter is that (as fair, polite, and outright positive and complementary as I’ve been known to be in this space) I do not regard non-professional efforts – no matter how good (or not-so-good) they might be. No fan-fic, no “fan-lations”, no fan-anything!

    I’ve had an occasional “ask” to read, refer-to, or plug examples of fan-fic, and I have declined all such requests. The Internet is CHOCK FULL of places for that stuff, and it doesn’t need any additional acknowledgement from me.

    Each Blog has its own rules. My late friend Chris Barat used to regularly review Disney Afternoon related fan-fic on his Blog. I’d just skip those reviews and wait for him to write on some professionally published product.

    GeoX generally does some good work on his fan translations, but he does a number of things differently on his Blog than I do on mine. It’s his right, just as it is for him to publish an entirely off-base review of “Trapped in the Shadow Dimension”, discussed though an inappropriately political lens, and (purposely or not) fail to acknowledge any effort on the part of the translator – for what was quite a tricky story to maneuver. That’s what he does on his Blog, and not regarding fan-fic, “fan-lations”, and the like, in favor of professionally published works, is what I do on mine.

    I trust that my truthful expression of opinion will not result in any bad blood between Bloggers (and those who follow them)… but these days, ya just never know! Let’s nobody make a big deal over my spreading some truth, okay? BTW, on his worst day, GeoX’s fan-work is galaxies better than “professional” Erin Brady – who I *do* acknowledge at this humble Blog simply for being a “professional” – though that can be a pretty big and wide tent at times!

    …Hey, at least we now know why I didn’t remember reading it before! It's because I never actually read "IT", just some fannish-filtering of it!

  7. Heh! I see, I see. A fair point of view, and well-expressed as always!

    Personally though, I will say that I do see an important difference between fan translations of otherwise-unavailable official stories, and outright fanfic. I wouldn't say reading a fan-translation means one hasn't experienced the original — provided, at least, that it is a relatively faithful translation as opposed to a fanciful rewrite. I myself have occasionally sent you amateur translations of Walter Melon comics and the like — even a few Disney stories unlikely to see an official American release, such as the bizarre affair of the Brazilian “Pirate Gold” — and I certainly did not do so in the same spirit that I might have sent you a fanfic purely of my own devising; but of sharing the works of others, acting, in my quality as unofficial translator, merely as an interpreter.

    …Oh, and I really did not mean to raise the specter of other issues you (and others) may quite rightly take with the *review* side of GeoX's blog. My apologies if any bad blood was unwittingly awoken! That's a whole other kettle of imps, and I wouldn't have brought it up, had I not remembered your showing up in the comment section of his “Faustus” post, those… well, as it turns out, almost exactly ten years ago! (Which is reason enough for it to have slipped your mind, even all else being equal; especially, as you say, without a paper copy on your shelf to remind you of its existence in the meantime! Heaven knows… er, or should that be Hell knows?… that I myself don't flawlessly remember all the comics I may have read ten years ago, and that's with fewer decades' worth of them to keep straight than you are blessed with.)In any case, the Bottaro “Faustus” is really quite a good tale, though I may be biased as its (official!) French printing was, I believe, the first Bottaro Duck story I ever read. You're better-placed to judge on what seems likely in terms of publishing in the near future, but I somehow want to hope that it'll someday see print in a further Bottaro “Disney Masters” or the like. After all, “Mickey's Inferno” got not one, but two official English translations!

  8. Achille:

    Delayed comment processing due to the fact that we now have Averi and Cici here all day (morning ‘till night – with occasional sleep-overs) four days a week! Delight and exhaustion alternate constantly!

    What you correctly point out is exactly why “There are no absolutes” and that “There are exceptions to every rule”.

    Two such exception are Debbie and yourself. With Debbie, it’s obvious as she works with her own characters, and her work with otherwise established characters does not impinge on the efforts of others -- and because I enjoy it very much!

    In your case, I would not know of Walter Melon if not for you – so that sotra makes him “your character” to my mind, as well as all those “Secret Societies” that pop up to bedevil me as Mr. Mxyzptlk does to Superman. And your strip of The Phantom Blot “meeting me” is in a class by itself – and, again, not impinging the professionally established works of others. …And it was a great way to butter me up! We Bloggers need a little buttering-up every now and then!

    Shifting gears, I continue to push for more Bottaro! What a wonderful and unique talent he was!

    “…Oh, and I really did not mean to raise the specter of other issues you (and others) may quite rightly take with the *review* side of GeoX's blog. ”

    Again, GeoX has every right to publish whatever politically-tinged, biased, or simply “point-missing” review of anything he wants. Just as it is my right to call it out in *this* space. As I don’t feel it appropriate to call it out in HIS space, I’ve simply refrained from commenting there (and may make that a permanent condition). The “others” you parenthetically refer to, and who I know feel the same way, have also taken a similar approach.

    …It’s called “Taking the High Road”!

    Finally, any English “Mickey's Inferno” was done in VERY DIFFERENT times from the overly-sensitive present. I daresay many things we’ve gotten here in the past, would not be deemed appropriate – or would be explicitly banned – today!

  9. Wait... Achille is the person behind all those secret societies? For some reason, I always thought it was Debbie!

  10. So did I, Sergio… until Scooby-Doo and the gang pulled off the perpetrator’s rubber mask… and we found that it wasn’t!

  11. It's a multi-person operation! Anyone can do it. Debbie definitely did a few — principally the ones for whom it became increasingly clear that they were “actually” written by Fluffy and Mervin! Many were also done by my good friend Lupan Evezan (who's also signed comments as “George Greg” on this blog a few times), and still others by other people altogether.

  12. So, the network is deeper and far more vast then we thought, eh? ...Spooky!
