I could think of no better way to apply the 80th Anniversary of Batman and the 50th Anniversary of Scooby-Doo to my traditional "Saturday Afternoon Comics Reading" than with a back-to-back reading of these two issues - representing the best of the old and new!
SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP # 50 (DC Comics, Cover Date: November, 2019)...
(Yes, that is a copy autographed by writer Sholly Fisch, whose "niceness" as a person surpasses even his great talents as an imaginative and clever writer! If my favorite modern comic book title must "go away", at least it leaves with the best issue of the series - and, given the vast praise I've heaped upon this title from the very beginning, THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING!)
(Yes, that's MY COPY of WF # 79... I SAID it was "old", didn't I?)
WORLD'S FINEST was, perhaps, the original (and, if not, certainly the "ultimate") team-up comic, and they are nicely linked by team-ups with Batman... Superman in 1955, and Scooby-Doo in 2019!
We'll have more Scooby for his 50th, later in the week!
Ah, Batman - the favorite comic book character of all of us here at the Board of the Blueberry Bats. What's a blueberry bat, you ask? Well, didn't you know? All bats are blue! And shaped like blueberries, too! That's a fact! (I hope we don't get sued by the Gang of the Green Gorilla for using their shtick - but hey, it's not like they ever claimed that gorillas are shaped like greenbeans, right?)
ReplyDeleteScooby-Doo, eh? He's the inspiration for all of us here at the Mob of the Mystery-Solving Mutts! We look forward to seeing more posts about he, the most excellent of dogs!
ReplyDeleteBBBs and MMMs:
ReplyDeleteWell, it looks as if my Saturday afternoon reading choices have satisfied everyone!
Oh, and last week must have been a great celebratory week for BOTH your organizations!
As this the remainder of this one will be for your humble Blogger, as he will be off to the New York Comic Con for the next few days.
This was cute...the Scooby gang and Batman work so well together that I'm surprised an ongoing "Batman & Scooby-Doo" comic book isn't in the works.
ReplyDeleteNow, for a second, it looked like the unspoken moratorium on Scrappy still stood, but it was nice to see him..the myth about the character being annoying became the truth, so obvious efforts to avoid telling new stories with him aren't really awkward..except for when they're telling stories set during his years on the show..and then it seems silly. At least he HAD a personality..for a LONG time, Fred, Daphne & Velma were stiffs.
ReplyDeleteIf SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP, my favorite modern comic, had to go, at least it went out on a VERY high note! SDTU # 50 will most likely wind up as my favorite of the run, with the “DC Humor Characters” and Flintstones issues, taking place and show!
Scrappy wasn’t anywhere near as bad as the “fan-legendry” that ballooned-up around him cast him as! It’s not like he was “Bubba Duck” or something! And, during the Archie run, he was used in issues like THIS ONE, THIS ONE, and THIS ONE.