From the "Department of Something You'd Never See These Days", comes this cover from HANNA-BARBERA PARADE # 5 (Charlton Comics, Cover Date: February, 1972)!
It looks like a typical Ray Dirgo Charlton cover of the time... The characters look "a little off", maybe a little too rubbery, but still recognizable...
...Until we focus-in on Yakky Doodle's big buddy and protector - CHOPPER!
What's up with the crossed-eyes, and uncharacteristically silly grin?
Has he been "nipping at the cooking sherry", as they used to say back then?
Actually, the answer can be found inside the comic itself - in this sequence of the Yakky Doodle story!
It seems that poor Chopper has had some difficulties with sleeping!
So, his itty bitty buddy Yakky liberally applies a serious dose of SLEEPING PILLS!
And all is well, until a BURGLAR shows up, and Chopper sleeps through the robbery of his master's house like a... um, drugged dog!
Mild hilarity -- and the occasional "awkwardly-worded dialogue balloon" as the one seen directly above (After all it IS Charlton!) -- ensues, as Yakky and Sleeper... (that is, "CHOPPER") set out to right this wrong.
If only Yakky had read THIS CHARLTON COMIC before sending Chopper off to "The Land of Nod" (...medicated so deeply that he couldn't "nod", if he tried)...
...The whole mess could have been avoided!
Yessir... ALWAYS listen to POPEYE!
Or else you too might look embarrassingly goofy on a comic book cover!
And, when you can look "embarrassingly goofy" on a cover like this one, that's saying something!
Uncharacteristically, Mr. Dirgo didn't sign this cover.
ReplyDeleteI never noticed that and I've had this comic for over... (Ulp!) 51 years!
Great catch, Sergio!
Yikes! Chopper should’ve listened to Popeye and splurged on spinach instead of poppin’ pills. The carry-over of Chopper’s… erm… altered state between the cover and the story is a great and subtle detail. That said, I’m wondering if the cover artist was just trying to portray Chopper as dizzy from being held high up? Or could his head hurt from the weight of the turtle’s shell?
ReplyDeleteRegardless, Chopper is seeing stars and so are we: the stars dancing around the “PARADE” title that is. I initially assumed this was a 4th of July themed-issue due to the logo’s design and red/blue-coloring but I see the issue is dated February so scratch that. Actually, I don’t want to admit defeat here: the War of 1812 formally ended in February (of 1815), so I say this is a War of 1812-themed cover. I'll call this a draw :p
Another detail sticking out to me on the cover are the motions lines around Wilma’s hands. I can’t tell if she’s trying to save Pebbles from Magila Gorilla or if she flicked her baby towards the ape. Personally, I’d like to think she tossed Barney into Magila’s hand. The moral of the story: Wilma’s strong. So don’t Donkey around with her or it’s on like King Kong. Not that there’s any association between Kongs of the Donkey and King variety (Nintendo’s lawyers have made sure of that). Either way, I think Magila could take both of em’. Heck, make it a tag team monkey match: Magilla Gorilla AND Grape Ape vs the Kongs. Now THAT would be a fun movie... after all do we really need King Kong vs Godzilla 3? Yes, yes we do. But I say the more monkey mayhem, the better!
Who WOULDN'T get all doped up if they had to deal with a dum... er naive little duck who was cpnstantly getting nearly eaten?
ReplyDeleteYeah! Can’t you just hear it now: “Now close your little eyes, Yakky! You shouldn’t oughtta see what’s gonna happen with these downer pills… GULP! GULP! GULP! Ahhhh!”
ReplyDeleteHA! Great riffing on a cover and story so rightly ripe for riffing!
…As for any connection between Chopper’s “altered state” in the story and his… er, “dopey” expression on the cover – and celebrating the Fourth of July in February – and Wilma inexplicably “throwing her BABY into the ring” as if she’d decided to run for public office – and even the FLAGPOLE supported by absolutely nothing (…when drawing it as more of a free-floating banner would have raised no eyebrows whatsoever) – all I can say is… THAT’S CHARLTON!
…And long may their flag wave… from an unsupported flagpole, that is!