Tuesday, November 6, 2018

STOP! And VOTE (2018)!



And STOP! 

STOP reading this Blog and, if you're an American, and GO OUT AND VOTE! 

(...Though, please come back here AFTER YOU VOTE!)  

Don't sleep like Huck... VOTE!  

...Also, don't wear a hat like Huck!  In the unlikely event this cover is ever reprinted, I'm certain the "hat" would be digitally removed!  ...And, truth to tell, who'd notice if it were?   

Three great comic book artists (above) Carmine Infantino, Tony Strobl, and Harvey Eisenberg... are reminding you to STOP!  STOP and VOTE!  ...Oh, and I'M reminding you, too!  

Well, maybe THEY'RE just suggesting that you STOP!  That "VOTE-thing" is strictly me!  But it's VERY important!  

I don't discuss politics here - and that may be one reason why this Blog is such a pleasant place!  But, no matter which side of the issues you may be on, this vote will be critical in helping determine the future direction of the United States!  

So, VOTE!  VOTE for whatever philosophy you believe in... JUST VOTE!  

Do it for yourself, your loved ones, the future...

...Or, just do it for Averi!  Once she's able to speak, I'm certain she'll thank you!  

And no "Write-In Votes for Fred Flintstone"!  Please make your vote count!  

Now matter how things turn out, I'll be back tomorrow with another new post!  So VOTE TODAY, and let's get back to comics tomorrow!  


  1. This was an awesome post! I love those covers and never would have thought of juxtaposing them like that! You referenced some of my favorite comics and my favorite characters--but of course you know they are. Those covers are classic, just as is.

    The Stop! Stop! Stop! is priceless.

    And yes, I voted!

    Thanks for the timely message, served up with good humor!

  2. You’re very welcome, Scarecrow!

    Did you (and everyone else) also notice that the “STOP!” for Flash was RED? The “STOP!” for Donald was WHITE (though maybe not on mobile devices where it might “read black”). And the “STOP!” for Huck was BLUE.

    Our national colors and each character’s primary color!

  3. I voted! It didn’t go my way and the person I voted for refused to admit defeat until like 1 in the morning... but at least I participated

  4. Hmmm… I’m quite certain I know which race you’re referring to, Clapton! At least one of two, anyway.

    The important thing is that, unlike some persons I know, you DID vote!

    Just remember to do it again next year, and especially in 2020 – when even more will be at stake, regardless of which side you’re on!

    And if “those persons” complain about ANYTHING over the next 365 days, I’ll be very quick to rhetorically ask them if they voted!
