Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Donald Retro Duck!

As I begin to enter the busiest week of this (all together now) "horrifically busy" period, TIAH Blog will still not "go dark", thanks to our friend Debbie Anne Perry and this wonderful sketch!  

 Click to further enlarge for detail.  

Is it a "Captain-Retro Duck" comic book?

Is it just Donald playing "Captain-Retro Duck" before a stand-up background, as part of his visit to "RC" Comics?  

Or, is it the comic book Donald would love to imagine, with him in the title role.  

We may never know for sure, but Deb likens it to when Fred Flintstone got to play "Superstone", so we'll go with that!  

Oh, and while I'm toiling away, miserable and with no mercy shown by my day-job masters, please remember to pick up UNCLE SCROOGE # 10 on Wednesday, January 06, 2016.

In it you'll find a Beagle Boys story dialogued by me, "Love is Never Having to Say You're Sentenced", which I consider one of the funnier stories I've had the privilege to work on.  

Enjoy that, and we'll be back soon...  


  1. It's always a pleasure to see Deb's drawings they're always Great.
    I hope this "horrifically busy" ends soon for your sake.

  2. In the thick of it now, but it will pass.

    I just noticed that ALL THREE remaining IDW Disney "Core Four" titles for January are out next week (January 15th). That's gotta be the first time all of them are out by mid-month.

  3. Well, all three are included in next week's list on ComicList--but on the individual pages for each issue, the release dates listed are 13 (MM), 20 (DD) and 27 (WDC), which is more what one would expect. We shall see!

  4. Elaine:

    There’s something “unexplainably cosmic” (…or might that be “cosmically unexplainable”) about THREE of the “Core Four” Disney comic books (…two of which containing stories I worked on and the other containing one of the most favorite Non-Barks Donald Duck short stories of my childhood - “The Planet X Mystery”) coming on the SAME DAY of perhaps the most horrifically busy week I’ve had in several years!

    Add to this both Mickey and Pluto appearing on an UNCLE SCROOGE cover this week?! …And as part of an issue where the Beagle Boys adopt names? …Let alone that there appears to be an overall “design change” taking place in the cover layouts?

    I hope they ARE all out this Wednesday, just for the sheer weirdness of it all!

    …Or, as I so often say… “Gotta love it!” It’s been quite the month, and we’re only EIGHT days in!

  5. Previewsworld has all 3 titles listed for next week and IDW released previews of all 3 titles along with all their other comics coming out next week on issuu. So hopefully we're still on track for next week but what do I know.

  6. Eegah! Seeing it again, that is really not one of my better drawings. I also can't recall where the idea about The Speck and the Retro-Goggles came from. Would Captain Retro-Duck's rival in "crime-crushing" be the ever-up-to-date Modern Mouse, who would have a database of every known criminal at his fingertips thanks to his Ultra-Modern Cell Phone? How would our Retro Hero manage to save the day? Tune in next time to find out!

  7. Clapton:

    I'm tending to go with all of them this week. After all, it's certainly no more weird then when UNCLE SCROOGE # 193 and 194, and months later 198 and 199, were each released on THE SAME DAY, back in those wonderfully wacky Whitman days!

    This month has been so unusual in other respects, why shouldn't this happen?

  8. Aw, Retro-Deb… Any full-fledged Retro-Ranger knows that the tiny terror “The Retro-Speck” was introduced in Episode 13 “Mere Speck-ulation”.

    That “up-to-date-Mouse rival” of his first surfaced in Episode 501 “Thoroughly Modern Mousely”, when The Good Retro-Captain was visiting Kansas City – ‘cause, as we all know, “Everything’s Up-To-Date in Kansas City”, including their Number One Crimefighter!

    By the way, did you know that Captain Retro-Duck is SOOO Retro that the “Complete Series Set” of 899 episodes is only available in Betamax format? No wonder neither of us has seen it.

    …And I like the drawing just fine, R-D!

  9. The TRULY retro Retro-Rangers have the extremely limited complete series set that was only available on film. 899 individual film cans, with the original host spots for McDuck Foods Retro-Flakes Cereal, the official Cereal of Retro-Heroes everywhere (as well as anyone else who's living in the past). Yes, McDuck's Retro-Flakes..."They'rrrre CHEAP!..er, GOOD!"

  10. Film cans?

    Well, you’ve truly out-retroed me, Retro-Deb! By now, wouldn’t those films be SO RETRO that they’ve turned the “Retro-Duck Knight” to the “Retro-Duck Nitrate”?

    Though I hope you also have the audio versions of all 899 episodes that are available on 8-Track Tape! They’re pretty good, except for that “annoying audible CLICK” when a track is changing!

    “Halt, and receive your deserved retro-retribution [annoying audible CLICK], Retro-Spec!” …Kinda takes you out of the moment, doesn’t it?
