Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year’s Bloggin’ Eve 2012!

It’s been a great 2012 at TIAH Blog!

145 posts: A new record. The highlight being THIS POST, given the interest it generated among all of you.

We’ve covered lots of DVDs and comics, paid tribute to those departed folks that made my life a better place with their contributions, and most of all had a great time throwing around comments on it all!

I’ve said this already, but I can never say it enough…

All of you who read and contribute to this Blog share in its success! And, I define it’s “success” by the vast amount of fun I have with it! Both my group of personal friends – and the many new friends we’ve made along the way are responsible for that fun.

You should also know how grateful I am to receive Blog comments. It means that someone took the time to read these writings – and share his or her thoughts on them.

I hope we share many thoughts throughout 2013, on the usual DVDs and comics, and on those folks who will unfortunately depart over the coming year who made my life a better place with their contributions. Meaning: More of Same! Hopefully, it’ll be “good same”. Be there for it, won’t you! I’ll enjoy having you!

Happy 2013!


  1. Joe,

    Though I may go through extended phases of silence, I promise ya, I ain't goin' anywhere! Happy New Year! :)

    -- Ryan

  2. Pleased to hear it, Ryan… and ya got in under the wire, before midnight!

  3. Joe,

    2013 will, I hope, be better than 2012... at least on a personal level! May my kidneys hold out for a while, and may Nicky secure a new, fulfilling fulltime job!



  4. I certainly echo those wishes for you two, Chris.
