Thursday, August 30, 2012

“Sniffing” Out a Conspiracy!

STOP by here tomorrow -- that is, when we blow the lid off of “The Great Sniffles Conspiracy Theory”! 

And, just in time for Labor Day weekend! 

Hmmm… The End of Summer… The End of Sniffles?  …Do I sense a connection here? 

I’m not sure if this will make me the “Next Oliver Stone” -- or the “Next Oliver Hardy”! 

What did Mary Jane know.. .and when did she know it?
Be here and find out, won’t you! 


  1. During the O.J. Simpson trial, his lawyer-wingman Robert Kardashian (yeah, Kim's dad) was always asked "Where's the bag, Mr. Kardashian?", refering to a missing packed overnight bag...

    "What's in the bag, Mary Jane?"

  2. Why, everyone knows “what’s in the bag”, ‘Rehab!

    It’s “Magic Sand” that makes Mary Jane as small as Sniffles… Though, in later stories, the “Magic Sand” seemed to disappear, and she was able to shrink merely by saying the Magic Words of “Poof Poof Piffles”!

    I’d guess that’s because Western Pub. didn’t want kids throwing sand in their faces – and injuring their eyes! Without EYES, you couldn’t read their comics , after all!

    Ah, but what is the greater Secret of Sniffles?

    …You’ll have to come back tonight for that!
