Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Delivery from Amazon… and Esther!

Just received a package from Amazon, containing the following DVDs: 

Esther looked at them side by side and said:

Young Justice and OLD Justice!” 

See why I love her! 
Who's OLD!


  1. On of those digital channels was running the early Gunsmokes in the wee hours a while back and it impressed me, just like the original radio series (which years ago a local station played once a week). Glad slowly the series is appering on DVD.

  2. “Slowly” *is* the operative word, Dana.

    I suspect the DVD format will have given way to one, two, or even three other delivery systems before GUNSMOKE’s 20 seasons are complete.

    …I think we’ll complete YOUNG JUSTICE, though! :-)

  3. My Grandmother was a fan of "The Rifleman" - it was airing on TV a few years ago for a while, then "blip" - gone. At least AntennaTV shows Westerns - "Billy the Kid meets Dracula"...there are no words.
    Oh, and Phil Carey when he was "young" - though I knew him better as J.R. Ewing wannabe Asa Buchanon on "One Life To Live" - his character died and came back to life so many times that when he died for real in 2009, I thought he had some posthumous guest appearance set up in time for the finale!

  4. Ahhh, forget “Old Justice”, what I wouldn’t give to see “Billy the Kid vs .Dracula”.

    Imagine this exchange between Billy and Drac:


    “Draw Blood... Blaaah!”
