Sixties Entertainment “Geeky Warning”: We are about to link the BATMAN TV Series,
with a John Wayne movie – by way of THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. and a single,
specific episode of VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA. There will even be a tangential reference to
Alfred Hitchcock.
Bail out now, if you can’t take it!
C’mon, folks… no matter how long it’s been, you can still
hear those Bat-scores echoing in the recesses of your mind’s ear!
Though BATMAN was but a mere fraction of this great
composer’s output – it is the cornerstone of a particular segment of Nelson
Riddle’s work – the segment he did for television.
A year or so before BATMAN, this particular type of score
got its “tryout” on the 1965 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA episode “Escape from Venice”.

Many of Nelson Riddle’s cues for “Escape from Venice ” are very similar to
(or even the same as) those he would later make famous in BATMAN. It was the only score Riddle would do for
VOYAGE, with subsequent (…or would that be “SUB-sequent”) scores, mostly by
Alexander Courage and Leith Stevens, overshadowing Riddle’s as the series
Similar Riddle scores would be heard throughout the third,
and most “campy”, season of THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. – lending much to the
particular atmosphere that season wished to project.
But, here’s where even *I* was taken aback…
I just viewed the John Wayne film “El Dorado” (1966 or 1967,
depending on which source you accept) – and the distinctive background music
styling that appears to have begun on VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA, became
famous and indelibly identified with BATMAN, and worked its way through THE MAN
FROM U.N.C.L.E. also supports (almost incongruously) the western adventures of
The Duke!
To me it seemed weird – yet, somehow wonderful – to see John
Wayne riding the trail and swinging into both fist and gun-fighting action to
the type of music cues I’ve spent a lifetime associating with Adam West, Burt Ward, Frank
Gorshin, and Caesar Romero!
But, overall, Nelson Riddle’s score for “El Dorado ” was quite enjoyable – especially
if you’re “me”!
Sixties composer geekiness aside, “El Dorado ” is a great film – as far as the
sixties Western genre goes – with John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, (Introducing)
James Caan, and (as the villains) Christopher George and the great Ed Asner.
In the event I never get around to doing an actual “Loooong
DVD Review” of “El Dorado”, consider this post to be made up of SOME of the
observations I would make there!
End of Sixties Entertainment “Geeky Warning”. You may now resume your “normal lives”!
…Assuming we HAVE “lives”!
Joe: I've been a little behind my blog reading lately, but thought you might wanna peek at this if you haven't already: an upcoming adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns for home video:
Now THAT’S great news! Interesting that they’re going to release it in TWO PARTS!
As excellent as they often are… maybe if the “DC Direct to Video” things weren’t always so damned SHORT, there wouldn’t be a need for TWO volumes! I should be glad someone at Warner realized “The Dark Knight Returns” is NOT something to be skimped upon, as was the unfortunate case with “All Star Superman”.
Oh, well… I can always regard this as a DC *Comic* and factor-in the time between volumes as the typical DELAY between issues!
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