Sunday, July 26, 2009

“Worst Packaging Ever!” The Simpsons Season 11.

THE SIMPSONS SEASON 12 will be released on DVD August 18, 2009.

I find myself curious about the TYPE OF PACKAGING it will employ. Hopefully, it will be improved over that for Season 11 (seen above), which was IMHO the “Worst Packaging Ever”!

Indeed, the S11 packaging was, without doubt, the WORST DVD packaging I’ve ever seen from a major studio! Packaging for TV DVD sets has been in decline lately (…see recent releases for PERRY MASON, VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA, FAMILY GUY, and the various Warner animation collections vs. what had once been typical for such series) – but this one was an experience all its own.

I opted for the “standard” illustrated packaging, as I’ve always done since the “sculpted head” packaging began. When I opened it… I COULDN’T FIND THE DISCS!!!

There was folded illustrated cardboard, with no discs on either side. For a moment, I was truly dumbfounded. Then I realized that the discs lie loose WITHIN pockets of the folded cardboard… and are NOT SECURED by anything.

Not only is this damaging to the Discs (Disc Three already had a noticeable imperfection causing me to return it for an exchange), but these are the MOST DIFFICULT DISCS TO ACCESS of any set I’ve purchased since the early days of 2004! Even the return clerk at Best Buy was flummoxed when opening the package to try to find the discs inside! Can you believe it?

Nothing designed for pleasure should require this much needless effort to remove from its packaging! How does a major studio like FOX approve such a thing! This is more akin to a one-dollar discount store PD package! Every bootleg, I’ve ever owned is more securely and sensibly packaged.

Oh, wait… I get the joke! They used “Krusty Brand” packaging! Never mind!

But, seriously... are they going to repeat the same mistake?

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